Originally Posted by deacon blues
This administration knows nothing but politics, we have a mass murderer, who was known to have sever mental problems. Also, known is the fact that the type drugs he was on have suicidal side effects, his family nor his doctor took actions that would protect the community.
So, what do the Demos do? They go after the guns, and the clips to protect the children!!!
Has one of these killers NOT been on legal drugs???? But do you hear a word from Obama about the drugs??? NO, everything is politics, and removing the rights of law abiding Americans to have guns is their policy.
Removing any of these crazy drugs from the market would cost the drug industry billions, so they don't touch those. Removing the guns makes Democrats feel safer, because it is against such government officials that the founders gave the right to bear arms.
"Ever learning, never able to come to the knowledge of truth..." "...they love the darkness, because their deeds are evil...."
Chicago is his hometown, and it has the strongest anti-gun laws in the country, yet crime and murder by guns are rampant!!!! Instructive!!!!