Originally Posted by AreYouReady?
Medical care did not use to cost an arm and a leg.
I was working in a hospital when the Government first got involved with DRG mandates back in the early 80s. That alone started raising the cost because they had to hire nurses to implement and run the program. It took off after that and bloated itself to recoup government mandates on hospitals.
Before I left the hospitals, I began to notice the government paid less and less for medical care on qualified patients. The hospitals had to recoup this from those who had insurance. They also had to recoup monies from those who did not pay bloated prices...which if you did not have insurance, your bill was often twice as high.
Now every clinic, physician's office, hospital, any healthcare facility takes your picture along with all other stats such as drivers license etc. when you first visit their office. A profile maybe?
Litigation crazy people have also contributed. Another very real factor is governmental control of health care and the fact that the health care industry is owned by the pharmaceutical industry.
There is no interest in healing us. Healing us would mean short term use of a medicine and then freedom from said medicine. What they are looking for is long term regular sales.
No one can practice medicine without proper license and even licensed doctors had better not deviate from the pharmaceutical answer to healing.
True healing comes from what we eat and drink. Not from a pharmaceutical band aid applied on top of that. I have no problem with licensed doctors but those without the medical school license should be allowed to practice. Make them state that they aren't licensed so that we will be making an educated decision but I should have the freedom to consult an unlicensed doctor if I want to.
Licensed medical doctors will eventually walk everyone down the same road. They will prescribe drugs which treat an issue but have other side effects and they will prescribe more drugs for those side effects until finally our elderly are weighed down with heavy monthly drug costs and finally die from the inundation of pharmaceutical substances.
Another issue is the lack of market pricing. If we had to pay out of our pockets for our medical care we would shop around for prices. But since the insurance pays for these things then no one shops around and so no one cares about price. A lot of places cannot even tell you what the price is for a particular procedure without research because this information is totally handled on the insurance side.
Industries that are not generally covered by insurance are still relatively cheap. Once an industry becomes one covered by insurance the price skyrockets because no one cares about the price anymore.
Also... on the ads you hear... "And I got my chair at no cost to me". Yeah... hey buddy...look over here... at me. It IS at a cost to me. Nothing is free. It all costs somebody somewhere down the line.