Thought you would like that...LOL! Since you are such an expert at trying to refute opposing veiws with insults. Why not just make your case and let it stand on its merit?? "Let your yeas be yea, and nays nay"....?? The insulting comments are not becoming to you.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
No Jesus did not have a physical body before bethlehem though He did preexist bethlehem. There were times when he appeared on earth in a body these are called Christophanies or Theophanies. That these instances were not simply angels (although sometimes accompanied by angels) is seen by the fact that in a lot of cases the Being that appeared accepted worship.
No Jesus did not have a physical body before bethlehem though He did preexist bethlehem. There were times when he appeared on earth in a body these are called Christophanies or Theophanies. That these instances were not simply angels (although sometimes accompanied by angels) is seen by the fact that in a lot of cases the Being that appeared accepted worship.
Thought you would like that...LOL! Since you are such an expert at trying to refute opposing veiws with insults. Why not just make your case and let it stand on its merit?? "Let your yeas be yea, and nays nay"....?? The insulting comments are not becoming to you.