Thank the with His help we will be back home...(Maceio) this afternoon. We have traveled almost 5000 Kms. We visited the first convention in the state of Maranhao and the convention in Belem do Para...As many of you know we were robbed once again on the Sat. night of our Maceio convention and many things were taken plus the money we had saved for the trip and our monthly money, church money and other things...however we did not let this sadden us or discourage us...We left after our convention on this long exhausting dangerous faith...we did not even have enough money for gasoline...but each time we needed gasoline or something God used someone to help us...
We have seen folks filled with the Holy Ghost, gave people their first Bibles, people have been baptized, besides the special services we dedicated a new church, we opened a new house meeting. We were able to visit scores of our precious people, see an Indian read
Acts 2:38 in his own language from an Indian Bible we gave him. We have had an incredible journey...Thanks to all that have felt to help us...
Tonight we hope to attend services in Maceio! Have been trying to post a few pictures on facebook.... Very few places have had internet other than some bus stops and they have been so kind to give me their password so I could share with you things along the way...
"The mission of the church is missions" — Oswald J. Smith