What else can the 7th Commandment mean? There is no law against love and I don't think that God always judges using our laws, papers or traditions.
I know that a man and woman are supposed to marry and if they cheat on each other it's labeled adultery. But I think that God hates it more for us to cheat on Him with the ways of the world/satan/sins.
To say that we love Him and then betray Him with sin is adultery. We then have become whores.
Until recent years I was a backslider, a whore to the world/sins and a betrayer of Him. I repent and confess my sin before man. I don't intend to be a whore who professes love and then betrays Him by breaking His commandments.
The world is supposed to become His bride but we often try to play the whore by talking out of both sides of our mouths and doing what we know we shouldn't and then making excuses for it. We can't serve both God and the world or the ways of it.
Yeshua Bless You