Re: Dealing with Demons in Grace
There is an old book that I think you should try to order that will give you some insight into dealing with demons. It is called Pigs in the Parlor.
If you had a pig in your parlor you wouldn't just sit around and ignore him, you would shew him out the door and off your lawn. What a dirty stinking thing messing up your parlor!
Almighty God gives us the tools to deal with this battle. He tells us to put on the full armor of God. He tells us about the Power in the Name of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself cast out demons and he lives within us so why would we ever tolerate a demon.
I have not seen a demon since a childhood dream or late night hallucination. However, I have been attacked many times. It has nothing to do with being weak. The more good you do and the closer to God you become, the more likely you are to be under attack.
I have had to cast demons off of my property that were transferred by the presence of other people, by the power of Jesus name. I have had to cast demons out of my home that had been transferred by the presence of those same people, by the power of Jesus name. Both followed with a blessing of the property and a blessing of the house in Jesus name and instantly the air and the presence was clear and felt safe again.
I have had to cast demons off me that were trying to plague me with sickness in order to hinder my study and prayer, by the power of Jesus name.
I find no where in the Bible that states that we are to tolerate the devil and let God take care of it. On the contrary, if Satan quivers at the sound of Jesus name, do you think his weaker demons can tolerate a Holy Ghost prayer that casts them into the abyss to return no more? Whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Get the pig out of your parlor, man.
Lets make one thing clear though. Many are too quick to blame demons or the devil for anything that doesn't go their way. If you feel the presence you will certainly know. As for everything else, the Lord does not promise us that we will not have a bumpy road. Sometimes the bumps lead to blessings when we have a right relationship with God.
The Father is God in relationship.
The Son is God in flesh
The Holy Spirit is God is spiritual action.