GOP Offers $4.6T Fiscal Cliff Proposal
And guess what? The President rebuffed it. Shocker. He's not interested in fixing this economy, only to play politics and continue strengthen his power base for 2014.
Class envy politics works for our president and winning elections and being in control is all he and the Chicago thugs care about. They don't care about America's future and economic well being. Notice no one asks the president what his proposal is. He has none. Let the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire is all he offers. No plan for cutting spending, the real problem.
The Republicans are even willing to close loopholes that will help raise revenue for the IRS. But the administration wants to have the political point that they raised tax rates on the wealthy. They know that raising taxes doesn't fix our debt problem, but it's simply a way to continue the false perception that Democrats are fighting against evil rich people who are wealthy off the backs of working class folks and the poor.
Unfortunately too many Americans believe this nonsense.
President Obama is not a good leader. Good leaders learn to work with the opposition to find a good middle ground. Reagan worked with Tip Oneill and got things done. Obama should be inviting Boehner to the WH for negotiations. Instead he has a defeated GOP nominee in Romney come by for lunch. Romney is in no position to affect the outcome. Boehner is the one who is the power broker.
The GOP used Democrat Erskine Bowles framework for their proposal. It's a credible plan that has bi-partisan support. Obama tapped Bowles for his bipartisan commission on debt reduction and paid for it with tax dollars to the tune of millions, yet did not adopt a single proposal set forth by the commission.
This president is not serious about fixing the economy. He's serious about winning elections and holding on to power.
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.