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Old 10-22-2012, 09:24 AM
Enigmatically Ambiguous Enigmatically Ambiguous is offline
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Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

It's my opinion that the Pentecostal movement, as we have known it, reached it's peak in the 1970s and 1980s. "The fastest growing movement in Christianty" perhaps has begun to decline. The kingdom of God seems to be moving away from traditional Pentecostal/Charismatic/Full Gospel/Spirit-Filled church services and the operations of the gifts of the Spirit and the trend seems to be moving toward a more Gospel-centered, Christ-centered ethic.

Certainly the impact of the Pentecostal movement has been large. Most churches embrace more demonstrative worship, raising hands, clapping, standing to their feet, emotional and experiential expressions of adoration. Most churches have praise bands, drums, electric instruments, cutting edge styles of music, etc something the Pentecostal movement was known for.

Yet, the emphasis on "moves of God", people falling out, screaming, rolling on the floor, a preoccupation with the gifts of the Spirit, sign seeking, strict standards of dress and ultra conservative lifestyle is really a thing of the past. The pressure to create the next wave of revival, the next upper room outpouring, the next Azusa street isnt there like it used to, and instead a younger generation focused on preaching the Gospel and being the Body of Christ, assisting the poor, the broken, the homeless, the addicted, the needy, the forgotten seems to be where the movement of God's church is headed.

Thank God for our Pentecostal roots! But just as each movement has had it's day in the sun, made it's contributions to the ever progressing church of Jesus Christ, we must be willing to lay down our pride and our attachment to labels and walls of division and realize that God cannot and will not be contained. The wind blows where it wants and you cannot predict where it's going to come from and where it's going to go.

I don't want to remain in the past. I want to follow where the cloud is leading. I am optimistic about the church of today and I am hopeful with the next generation. They will carry the banner of the cause of Christ on into the future until our Lord returns!
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Old 10-22-2012, 09:43 AM
Duplicitous Duplicitous is offline
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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

The Pentecostal or "Apostolic" movement was God-ordained, and served its purpose, as were all other movements of the Christian past. However, as we progress into the twenty-first century, it is becoming more apparent that its zenith is over.

The end-time revival that Pentecostal denominational structures prophesied occurred outside of the camp.

Pentecostalism is no longer a denomination. Instead, it is a mode of worship, and an openness to the baptism of the Spirit, previously unknown. There are elements of Pentecostalism evident in almost every Christina denomination on the planet.

So while Pentecostal denominations continue to diminish, the broader context and practices of Pentecostalism thrive. In short, the full body of Christ has become "Pentecostal."

God used the movement to restore lost practices. Those who tried to codify these practices outside the margins of orthodoxy have failed.

I anxiously await the next wave of restoration.
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Old 10-22-2012, 10:24 AM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

Um, amen.
Why is my ____ meter going off?
I think you two are the same person.
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Old 10-22-2012, 12:34 PM
Monterrey Monterrey is offline
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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

You caught that also?

Probably Charnock in another alias!

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Old 10-22-2012, 12:35 PM
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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

No. Next...
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Old 10-22-2012, 01:52 PM
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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

The foundation of the Pentecostal experience is worth fighting for. To go back to a "just believe" and you have the baptism of the spirit mindset is not acceptable to God. Of course the idea that hot preaching equals the anointing, women cannot trim their hair or men wear a beard kind of things are hopefully headed to the ash heap of religous history.

There is a great and awesome move of YHWH on the way. Restoring foundation truth, teaching discipleship, and fueled by night and day prayer with those who love the truth.
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Old 10-22-2012, 02:01 PM
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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

Originally Posted by Enigmatically Ambiguous View Post
.... I want to follow where the cloud is leading. I am optimistic about the church of today....
Your post reads like you want follow where the crowd is leading.

Christianity began with demonstrations of the POWER of God and when our LORD returns, He will not return for a people who know Him and want "to know Him, and the power of His Resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death."

Christ is not returning for a people who have a sincere head knowledge of the Gospel and are hell bent on reaching the masses through the practice of a social gospel!

Christ is returning for a Church, a HOLY church, a fire baptized church, a church without spot or wrinkle! You'd better not jump ship now! It's getting late in the evening and the sun is going down. You'd better get right and stay right while the LORD may be found!

Tell me where do you stand?
Who's on the Lord side?
Can I get a witness?
Can I just get one more witness!

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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 10-22-2012 at 02:03 PM.
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Old 10-22-2012, 02:24 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

Originally Posted by trialedbyfire View Post
No. Next...
Well, I don't know of any Pentecostal borders enlarging...but I would say 'well done' to the whole movement, for the most part. Tough to preach God when prosperity on others' backs is so easy to come by. Judging by the attack level, even a doubter would have to admit that the Spirit used the movement in a powerful way.
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Old 10-22-2012, 02:29 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 View Post
Well, I don't know of any Pentecostal borders enlarging...but I would say 'well done' to the whole movement, for the most part. Tough to preach God when prosperity on others' backs is so easy to come by. Judging by the attack level, even a doubter would have to admit that the Spirit used the movement in a powerful way.
Ha! Well said... although most have no idea what you just said. That prosperity doctrine has seeped quite deep into most churches today. They don't know how to take that money and minister to their community.

Need to buy some ministers pants with 2 inch pockets.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)
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Old 10-22-2012, 02:45 PM
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Re: Are We Living in a Post-Pentecostal Era?

For the record, I was not being purely sarcastic.

There's been a lot of showmen, show-women and antics within and without Pentecost, but we who know of God's ability to move like He used should not forget it, but tell others and encourage others to seek a move of God deeper than what we have experienced before.
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