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Old 09-18-2012, 09:28 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post

Romney and Rove pull their ads, at the same time, from Michigan and Pennsylvania. Sounds like collusion to me. The FEC is sure to issue a report on this in a year or two.

They want us to think they believe our only reason for not voting for Mittens is because of his stance on the economy. We are not voting for Mittens because he lies, flip-flops, cheats to win, and a host of other things.
What is sad is that you are no better than the staunchest of leftists with your dishonesty.

The bottom line is simple as Romney has said many times. He supported Romneycare as a STATE issue because his state wnate dit. If YOU cannot tell the difference between something a state wants as opposed to forcing somethign upon an entire nation that doesn't want it then you need to go back to school.
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Old 09-18-2012, 09:56 AM
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
What is sad is that you are no better than the staunchest of leftists with your dishonesty.

The bottom line is simple as Romney has said many times. He supported Romneycare as a STATE issue because his state wnate dit. If YOU cannot tell the difference between something a state wants as opposed to forcing somethign upon an entire nation that doesn't want it then you need to go back to school.
It is an individual right's issue and SHOULDN'T be permissible at any level of the government - state or federal. You go back to school. And the example set for that in the liberal state of MA, isn't the best example. Try getting that passed in Texas.

I'm glad you are enjoying the Progressive Republican candidate and his party.
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Old 09-18-2012, 10:04 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

You miss the point as usual.

Texas wouldn't want it, so they wouldn't vote for it. Mass DID. I suppose in your head Romney should have just told all the people of Mass that he didn't care at all what they wanted or voted for, he would not approve the healthcare they wanted.

Yeah...that would be a great example of leadership. Completely ignore or overrule the will of the people.
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Old 09-18-2012, 10:08 AM
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
You miss the point as usual.

Texas wouldn't want it, so they wouldn't vote for it. Mass DID. I suppose in your head Romney should have just told all the people of Mass that he didn't care at all what they wanted or voted for, he would not approve the healthcare they wanted.

Yeah...that would be a great example of leadership. Completely ignore or overrule the will of the people.
Then don't call Romney a "severe" conservative for touting a mandate in a liberal state where it would surely pass and set the precedent for the federal level. I don't know why you can't see that. It is why people see him for what he is - a progressive.
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Old 09-18-2012, 10:48 AM
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

And, BTW, "Conservatism" is ALWAYS about "smaller government". So, this state's rights healthcare mandate is simply a deflection from the "real" Romney - from his Progressive bent and where the Republican party is headed.

I refuse to be distracted. We really should be working on ending the oligarchy in this country. That should be our focus. We have people posting that they want to save this country for their grandchildren. Well, that is not going to happen under the present two-party system. And that may never change, but at least I can go on record as fighting against it.
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:20 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

I have never once called Romney a severe Conservative. I believe him to be Conservative, but more moderate than I prefer. I see him as infinitely better than Obama.

And unlike sour grapes peopel like you I am not willing to waste my vote on some putz who standso chance on "principle" thus helping the socialist Muslim win re-election. Your only principle apparently is wanting to back a loser.
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:26 AM
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
I have never once called Romney a severe Conservative. I believe him to be Conservative, but more moderate than I prefer. I see him as infinitely better than Obama.

And unlike sour grapes peopel like you I am not willing to waste my vote on some putz who standso chance on "principle" thus helping the socialist Muslim win re-election. Your only principle apparently is wanting to back a loser.
He's a Progressive. So, winning is your greatest goal, even against principles?

That is why we are where we are in this country. Go figure. But, at least I can say I won! And make a note that I am not for Romney, but I have never said that he couldn't win this election. If he does, you will be happy and I won't really care one way or the other and I won't be angry either. It's an election, I am engaging and when it's over, that's it. We move on.
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:38 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

Winning is important. What good are your "principles" if you can never have a person in power to govern by them? You can be principled all you want, but unless you can win enough representation they mean nothing in government.

Your position is like being in the desert, dying of thirst. You are thirsty, but your principle is that you will ONLY drink clean, fresh spring water. Now someone comes along with a canteen of water that isn't so clean, isn't fresh, came from a spigot and isn't the greatest...BUT it will save you from dying of thirst. I suppose you would rather die with your principles than drink the water that doesn't fit your high standards?

For me, even dirty water would be better than dying.
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Old 09-18-2012, 11:48 AM
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
Winning is important. What good are your "principles" if you can never have a person in power to govern by them? You can be principled all you want, but unless you can win enough representation they mean nothing in government.

Your position is like being in the desert, dying of thirst. You are thirsty, but your principle is that you will ONLY drink clean, fresh spring water. Now someone comes along with a canteen of water that isn't so clean, isn't fresh, came from a spigot and isn't the greatest...BUT it will save you from dying of thirst. I suppose you would rather die with your principles than drink the water that doesn't fit your high standards?

For me, even dirty water would be better than dying.
I doubt your analogy would hold up in the desert. Who would do that? I wouldn't.

My point is that if we keep doing the same thing over and over, we will get the same results. I'm not up for that this election cycle. Perhaps if the candidate wasn't really a Progressive, I would change my mind. But, it is what it is....
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Old 09-21-2012, 11:35 AM
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Re: Let the Goode times roll

Virgil Goode on International Relations:

"I oppose the placement of our Armed Forces under United Nations command. We need to curtail expenditures to the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, and to foreign nations. Our sovereignty, in my opinion, should always be paramount.

I also vigorously oppose Agenda 21 and other globalism schemes so harmful to the citizens of the United States."
Love his VP pick - James N .Clymer

James Clymer is a senior member and manager of a general practice law firm in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Jim has been in the practice of law since 1978, with emphasis on estate and business planning, elder law, commercial real estate, and business organization and development. The firm also has extensive civil rights litigation practice with a focus on civil rights secured under the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. He has represented clients in a variety of cases dealing with constitutional and religous liberty issues.

He has worked with several national organizations commited to protecting religous liberty, including, the American Center for Law and Justice, National Legal Foundation, Rutherford Institute, Federalist Society, and Home School Legal Defense Association.

Jim is active in political, Christian and civic organizations, having served on numerous boards and assisted organizations promoting life, liberty and limited government. He is concerned about the encroachment of government and the erosion of liberty.

I have never voted for a write in candidate before so I called our county electon office and asked about it. They told me that ALL declared write ins are on the list of the electronic ballots. They also on their site list those who have declared. Here in Texas, Goode and Hoefling (don't care for him after to blog radio interviews) are on it. I assume that Johnson is on the same electoral ballot but not as write in. All on same ballot.
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