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Old 05-18-2007, 08:42 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Survey Company Info

I have had several PMs about this... since I've been talking about doing consumer research surveys for extra money.

Here's the list of companies to sign up.

Keep in mind that this is NOT something you can depend on as a full time income. Not all of the companies will send surveys. The more you sign up with, the better your chances are for getting paid work.

Some of these companies have been VERY good to me. I'll add comments in another post about which ones I've had the most work from-- but it could be totally different for you-- since each company looks for different demographic profiles.

It's been a while since I checked links on this list, so if you try one that no longer is accepting members or is a dead link... please send me the link by PM and I will remove it from this list.

For personal referrals to my absolute favorites that send me TONS of surveys for amazon GCs and cash... PM me with a first name and email address. Required for signup.


Userworks http://www.userworks.com/ Cash & Prizes

Vocalabs http://www.vocalabs.com/tester Cash

Your Say http://www.yoursay.com/ Cash

Zoom Panel http://www.zoompanel.com/ Cash & Prizes

Socratic Forum http://www.socraticforum.com/ Cash & Prizes

Product Testing Services http://www.product-testing.com/ Cash & Prizes

Advisory Panel http://www.advisorypanel.com/ Cash & Prizes

osMoz Club http://osmoz.com/club/inscription.asp Cash & Prizes

Precision Research http://www.preres.com/ Cash

Savitz Research http://www.savitzresearch.com/ Cash

Consumer Views http://www.consumerviews.com/ Cash

Media Transfer http://us.mediatransfer.com/ Cash & Prizes

RedPen http://www.redpen.com/overview Cash

Bellwether Surveys http://www.bellwethersurveys.com/ Cash & Prizes

Compurxinc http://www.compurxinc.com/ Cash & Prizes

Clarion Research http://www.clarionresearch.com/webpanel.htm Cash & Prizes

Internet Surveys of American Opinion http://survey.caltech.edu/ Cash

Opinion Place http://www.opinionplace.com/ Prizes

TechTV Opinions http://www.techtvopinions.com/ Cash & Prizes

Spidermetrix http://www.spidermetrix.com/ Cash & Prizes

Survey Site http://www.surveysite.com/ Cash & Prizes

Drug Voice http://www.drugvoice.com/ Cash & Prizes

Your 2 Cents http://www.your2cents.com/ Cash & Prizes

Yahoo Research http://promo.yahoo.com/user_research Prizes

Q&A Research http://www.qar.com/ Cash

SurveyCafe http://www.surveycafe.com/ Cash & Prizes

Song People http://www.songpeople.com/ Prizes

Contractor Advisory Board http://www.contractorboard.com/ Cash

Shifrin Hayworth http://www.shifrin-hayworth.com/ Cash

Wellness Interactive http://www.wellness-interactive.com/panel.htm Cash & Prizes

Begin Surveys http://www.beginsurvey.com/beginsurvey Cash & Prizes

Participants Online http://www.participantsonline.com/ Cash & Prizes

Telephone Mixer http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/Mixer Cash

Surveys.com http://www.surveys.com/ Cash & Prizes

CRC Inc http://www.crcwis.com/participant.htm Cash

Brand Institute Inc. http://www.brandinstitute.com/ Cash & Prizes

Research Connections http://www.researchconnections.com/ Cash & Prizes

Clickin Research http://www.clickin.com/join.html Cash & Prizes

Digital Research http://www.digitalresearch.com/ Cash & Prizes

PSB Associates http://www.psbsurveys.com/ Cash & Prizes
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Last edited by Tina; 05-18-2007 at 08:57 AM.
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:46 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Vividence Inc. http://panel.vividence.com/ Cash & Prizes

Internet Poll http://www.internetpoll.com/ Cash & Prizes

Gulf Surveys http://www.gulfsurveys.com/ Cash & Prizes

Live Surveys http://www.livesurveys.com/panel.htm Cash & Prizes

Harris Poll http://vr.harrispollonline.com/ Cash & Prizes

Kidz Eyes http://www.kidzeyes.com/ Cash & Prizes

Online Surveys http://www.onlinesurveys.com/ Cash & Prizes

20/20 Research http://www.2020research.com/ Cash & Prizes

Athena Market Research http://www.athenamarketresearch.com/join.htm Cash

Consumer Opinion Panel http://www.consumeropinionpanel.com/ Cash & Prizes

Executive Advisory Board http://www.executiveadvisoryboard.com/ Cash

LiveWire http://www.gbinc.com/livewire/lwrecruit/recruit.html Cash & Prizes

Michael Herbert Associates http://www.mhamr.co.uk/ Cash

OpiStat http://www.opistat.com/mp/registration.html Cash

Adler-Weiner Research http://www.awres.com/ExecutiveOffices/participants.htm Cash & Prizes

eLab http://elab.vanderbilt.edu/panel Cash & Prizes

Opinion Square http://www.opinionsquare.com/ Cash & Prizes

Ask Miami http://www.askmiami.com/page10.html Cash

e-Search http://www.esearch.com/ Cash & Prizes

CQS Research http://www.cqsinc.com/opinion.html Cash & Prizes

CyberSurvey http://www.cybersurvey.com/ Prizes

Pick the Hits http://www.pickthehits.com/ Prizes

Domus Online http://domusonline.com/shopsite_sc/s.../testing.shtml Prizes

Wired Insights http://www.wiredinsights.com/ Cash & Prizes

SpectraCom Inc. http://research.spectracom.com/ Cash & Prizes

Beta Sphere http://www.betasphere.com/evaluator-center Cash & Prizes

Business Research Lab http://www.busreslab.com/onlinepanel.htm Cash & Prizes

eJury http://www.ejury.com/ Cash & Prizes

Employee Surveys http://www.employeesurveys.com/ Cash & Prizes

Food Quiz http://www.foodquiz.com/ Cash & Prizes

Grace Market Research http://www.gmrnet.com/ Cash & Prizes

Golf Testing http://www.golftesting.com/ Cash & Prizes

MBS Internet http://www.mbsinternet.net/ Cash & Prizes

iOpinion http://www.iopinion.com/ Cash & Prizes

iPoints http://www.ipoints.com/ Cash & Prizes

Sonic Drive-In http://www.sonicdrivein.com/register/register.jsp Cash & Prizes

NPD Group http://www.npdor.com/joinnow.asp Cash & Prizes

Pragmatic Research http://www.pragmatic-research.com/ Cash & Prizes

Music Research http://www.musicresearch.com/ Cash & Prizes

Focus on Boston http://www.focusonboston.com/participants.html Cash

Online Eval http://www.onlineval.com/ Cash & Prizes

Prize-O-Matic http://www.prizeomatic.com/ Cash & Prizes

Ecker & Associates http://www.eckersf.com/Consumer.html Cash

Delve https://www.delve.com/respondent/Survey.asp Cash

Consumer Research Associates http://www.superooms.com/signup.html Cash

Consumer Logic http://www.consumer-logic.com/ Cash

The Science Advisory Board http://www.scienceboard.net/ Cash & Prizes

Atkins Research Group http://www.atkinsresearchinc.com/join.htm Cash

Survey.com http://www.survey.com/products/consepanel.html Cash & Prizes

TrialSize.com http://www.trialsize.com/ Cash & Prizes

Alan Newman Research http://www.anr.com/home.html Cash

Adept Consumer Testing http://www.giveusyouropinions.com/ Cash & Prizes

A La Carte Research http://alacarteresearch.com/onlineregister.htm Cash & Prizes

Consumer Opinion Services http://www.cosvc.com/register.html Cash

Partnership Plus http://www.partnership-plus.com/training Cash & Prizes

USA Panel http://www.usapanel.com/ Cash & Prizes

RedBook Click http://www.rbclick.com/register.php Cash & Prizes

Gartner http://gartner-panel-registration.surveyweb.com/gartner Cash & Prizes
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:48 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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EyeCloud http://www.eyecloud.com/ Cash & Prizes

Game Crew http://www.gamecrew.net/ Cash & Prizes

Intellisurvey http://www.intellisurvey.com/panelreg.htm Cash & Prizes

Opinions Count http://www.opinionscount.com/ Cash & Prizes

Sporting Insights http://www.sportinginsights.com/ Prizes

Columbia Business School http://vlab.cebiz.org/ Cash

Yale School of Management http://elab.som.yale.edu/ Prizes

Survey Peace http://www.surveypeace.com/ Cash

Radar Reporter http://www.ourradar.com/ Cash

Hill Top Research http://www.hill-top.com/study_partic...what/what.html Cash

Q Fact http://www.qfact.com/ Cash & Prizes

L&E Research http://www.leresearch.com/ Cash & Prizes

Leibowitz Market Research http://www.leibowitz-research.com/ Cash & Prizes

Visitor Friendly http://www.visitorfriendly.com/ Cash

Beta Research http://betapanel.com/Panel/BRC Cash & Prizes

Disney Magazine Panel http://disneymagazinepanel.com/ Cash & Prizes

Jewelry Consumer Council http://jcoc.net/panel_members/webpages/join.php Cash & Prizes

Consumer Mail Panel Online http://join.cmponline.ca/ Cash & Prizes

MyVoice http://myvoice.co.uk/ Cash & Prizes

Dialego http://panel.dialego.com/ Cash & Prizes

Socratic Technologies http://panel.sotech.com/tech/eval.asp Cash & Prizes

TechWorld http://panel.sotech.com/techworld/ Cash & Prizes

Physicians Advisory Council http://physicianscouncil.com/ Cash

International Survey Room http://research.hi-ho.ne.jp/survey/top Cash & Prizes

Market Intellect Panel http://survey.cdmer.com/Consumer.htm Cash & Prizes

EssenceWow http://surveys.essencewow.com/2726/2739/P1.asp Prizes

PickThem http://surveys.pickthem.co.uk/ Prizes

Technology Board http://technologyboard.com/ Cash
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:49 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Australian Opinion Research http://www.australianopinionresearch.net/ Cash

Bolt Survey Panel http://www.bolt.com/apps/panel Prizes

Brand Fidelity Panel http://www.brandfidelity.com/wl/panelistwizard Prizes

Buzz Sponge http://www.buzzsponge.com/joinin.php Cash & Prizes

CineCheck http://www.cinecheck.com/ Cash

Cliquer http://www.cliquer.com/en Cash & Prizes

TrendScan http://www.trendscan.de/home.php?lang=EN Prizes

Consumer Reviews http://www.consumer-reviews.co.uk/ Cash

Cross-Tab http://www.cross-tab.com/respondents/registration.html Prizes

SurveysOnline http://www.surveysonline.com/panelform.html Cash & Prizes

Easy Rewards http://www.easyrewards.com.au/ Cash & Prizes

eDigital Research http://www.edigitalresearch.com/eGlobalPanel/ Prizes

Element USA http://www.elementusa.com/ Prizes

Email Cash http://www.emailcash.com.au/ Cash & Prizes

eDigital Research http://www.edigitalresearch.com/eMysteryShopper/ Cash

eSurveynet http://www.esurveynet.com/ Cash & Prizes

Feedback Plus http://www.feedbackplus.com.au/ Cash

Freemoney Limited http://www.freemoney.fm/ Cash & Prizes

Global Reviews http://www.globalreviews.com.au/competitions.asp Prizes

Gongos & Associates http://www.gongos.com/online_participate.html Cash & Prizes

Hagen Sinclair Research http://www.hagensinclair.com/participation2.htm Cash

The Hartman Group http://www.hartmaninteractive.com/ Prizes
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:52 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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HBS Research http://www.hbs.edu/cler Cash

Hotspex http://www.hotspex.com/ Prizes

HowStuffWorks http://www.howstuffworks.com/mkt-research.htm Cash

i-Link http://www.i-link.com.au/ Cash & Prizes

IOCS http://www.iocs.net/ Cash & Prizes

Itipi http://www.itipi.com/ Cash

JD Power Panel http://www.jdpowerpanel.com/ Prizes

KNOTS Opinion Club http://www.knotsclub-eu.com/ Prizes

Luxury Brands http://www.luxurybrands.com.au/index2.htm Cash & Prizes

FISHER http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/swf_fisher.html Cash

Market Equity http://www.marketequity.com.au/frames.asp?section=group Cash

Marketing Analytics http://www.marketing-analytics.co.uk...arch_panel.htm Cash

Market Reader Pro http://www.marketreaderpro.com/member_signup.asp Cash & Prizes

Microsoft http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/marketing_research Cash & Prizes

Miller-Williams http://www.millwill.com/panel/panel-benefits.htm Cash & Prizes

Verity Consumer Trends http://www.myverity.com/enroll/ Cash

Consumer Link http://www.consumerlink.com/ Cash & Prizes

Performance Research http://www.nascarsurvey.com/ Cash & Prizes

TNS http://www.tns-global.co.nz/ Cash & Prizes

On Quest http://www.onquest.de/en/registration/ Cash

Opinion Force http://www.opinion-force.co.uk/join.asp Cash & Prizes

opinion BAR http://www.opinionbar.com/ Cash

Perseus http://www.perseus.com/researchserv/survey_panel.html Prizes

Research Dimensions
http://www.researchdimensions.com/surveys/register.htm Cash & Prizes

Restaurant Poll http://www.restaurantpoll.com/ Cash & Prizes

Senior Survey http://www.seniorsurvey.com/ Cash

Australian Shoppers Survey http://www1.shopperssurvey.com.au/ Cash & Prizes

Site-Reporter http://www.site-reporter.com/ Cash & Prizes

Survey Center http://www.surveycenteronline.com/ Cash

That's What I Think http://www.thats-what-i-think-au.com/ Prizes

Usability Sciences http://www.usabilitysciences.com/recruiting/ Cash & Prizes

Stanford School of Business https://cgi.stanford.edu/group/gsb-b..._presenter.cgi Cash & Prizes

VeriTest http://www.veritest.com/services/livetest/eval.asp Cash & Prizes

Wired Pulse http://www.wpulse.net/eval.asp Cash & Prizes

The Edge http://www.reach-the-edge.com/edgepoll.html Cash & Prizes

Planet Panel http://www.planetpanel.net/ Cash & Prizes

MarketView Research http://www.marketviewresearch.com/ourpanel/ourpanel.asp Cash & Prizes

Osterman Research http://www.ostermanresearch.com/join.htm Cash & Prizes

JRA Marketing http://www.jramednet.com/consumer/ Cash

Opinion Now http://www.opinionnow.co.uk/ Cash

Market Surveys http://www.marketsurveys.com/member.phtml Cash & Prizes

Ipsos Australia http://www.ipsos.com.au/panel/ Cash & Prizes

Inside Heads http://www.insideheads.com/panel.html Cash & Prizes

Internet Survey Center http://www.internetsurveycenter.com/ Cash & Prizes

e-Business Surveys http://www.e-businesssurveys.com/ Cash & Prizes

Music Poll http://www.musicpoll.com/ Cash & Prizes

Opinions Unlimited http://www.opinionsunlimited.com/ Cash & Prizes

Focus Line http://www.focusline.com/ Cash & Prizes

YouGov http://www.yougov.com/ Cash & Prizes

Buzz Back http://www.buzzback.com/ Cash & Prizes

Live Wires http://www.livewires.com.au/participant.html Cash & Prizes

Discover Why http://www.discoverwhy.com/panel Cash & Prizes

MarketFacts http://marie.marketfacts.com/ Prizes

Click IQ http://www.clickiq.com/ Cash & Prizes

Pure Profile http://www.pureprofile.com.au/ Cash & Prizes

Evox http://survey.opinionsearch.com/evox/ Prizes
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Old 05-18-2007, 09:10 AM
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BoredOutOfMyMind BoredOutOfMyMind is offline

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Good Grief!

Do you do surveys for ALL these companies? I do surveys for one company, and tried to get another setup. After a month of almost daily surveys and never a single completed survey, I gave up. I am glad Gmail has good spam filters- the count in the spam inbox went way up.
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
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Old 05-18-2007, 12:03 PM
Tina Tina is offline

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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
Good Grief!

Do you do surveys for ALL these companies? I do surveys for one company, and tried to get another setup. After a month of almost daily surveys and never a single completed survey, I gave up. I am glad Gmail has good spam filters- the count in the spam inbox went way up.
Sounds like you tried either globaltestmarket, testspin or zoompanel. Those three are REALLY tough in getting through the qualifying surveys.

I am signed up with most of them... but like I said, not all of them send surveys. I think demographics have a LOT to do with it. Also, the job field you list in your profile.

There are a lot of TECH type panels... that I can't get into. Some of them pay as much as $200 for projects. I need to go back through the list and put those companies in a different post so that those who aren't so technically challenged can try to get into some of those.

PC has been awesome for me... but as you know, we can't post links to that one. I do have access to a link.. that opens and closes occasionally to the registration form... but if I posted it-- I'd get kicked out of the company. I am NOT risking it. They are WAY Too good to me. Had three qualifiers/household question surveys from them yesterday--- and got offered test products on all three.

One of my other personal favs is the one I sent you an email to sign up. You gave me points in that one on the referral-- put me over the top for another amazon GC. I earn LOTS of amazon GCs through them.

Kidzeyes has been awesome for the girls to participate in-- they've now graduated to "teenseyes"

There's another kids/teen panel that is really good-- but I have to do direct referrals to it also.

I'd have to go through my web buddy journal to get all the ones listed that are the best for me... but that's gonna take a while. Haven't had time to get to it today yet.. since today is Kara's birthday-- I have some other things going on that have had my attention-- like the cake in the oven that is gonna be done any minute.

Last night I had a survey about KETCHUP. Yes, KETCHUP. Hunts, Heinz and walmart great value brand. I had NO idea they could ask me SOOOOOOOOOOOO many questions about Ketchup. Especially when they got into this line of questions about assigning the personality traits to the different brands of ketchup. Have you ever done one like that??? If not, you don't know what you're missing.. Those are VERY entertaining.
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Last edited by Tina; 05-18-2007 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 05-18-2007, 12:12 PM
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BoredOutOfMyMind BoredOutOfMyMind is offline

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Originally Posted by Tina View Post
There are a lot of TECH type panels... that I can't get into. Some of them pay as much as $200 for projects. I need to go back through the list and put those companies in a different post so that those who aren't so technically challenged can try to get into some of those.
Drools all over keyboard at Tech survey thoughts

Originally Posted by Tina View Post
PC has been awesome for me... but as you know, we can't post links to that one. I do have access to a link.. that opens and closes occasionally to the registration form... but if I posted it-- I'd get kicked out of the company. I am NOT risking it. They are WAY Too good to me. Had three qualifiers/household question surveys from them yesterday--- and got offered test products on all three.

One of my other personal favs is the one I sent you an email to sign up. You gave me points in that one on the referral-- put me over the top for another amazon GC. I earn LOTS of amazon GCs through them.
PM the name of that company as I don't remember getting much else except the stupid "you are entered in our $5000 sweepstakes."

PC opened the spigot last year and I even told my bank teller about it, but again closed again and I agree with you, do not rock that boat...
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?

Last edited by Tina; 05-18-2007 at 01:08 PM. Reason: Edited company name to show initials only
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Old 05-18-2007, 12:25 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Tina View Post
Sounds like you tried either globaltestmarket, testspin or zoompanel. Those three are REALLY tough in getting through the qualifying surveys.

I am signed up with most of them... but like I said, not all of them send surveys. I think demographics have a LOT to do with it. Also, the job field you list in your profile.

There are a lot of TECH type panels... that I can't get into. Some of them pay as much as $200 for projects. I need to go back through the list and put those companies in a different post so that those who aren't so technically challenged can try to get into some of those.

PC has been awesome for me... but as you know, we can't post links to that one. I do have access to a link.. that opens and closes occasionally to the registration form... but if I posted it-- I'd get kicked out of the company. I am NOT risking it. They are WAY Too good to me. Had three qualifiers/household question surveys from them yesterday--- and got offered test products on all three.

One of my other personal favs is the one I sent you an email to sign up. You gave me points in that one on the referral-- put me over the top for another amazon GC. I earn LOTS of amazon GCs through them.

Kidzeyes has been awesome for the girls to participate in-- they've now graduated to "teenseyes"

There's another kids/teen panel that is really good-- but I have to do direct referrals to it also.

I'd have to go through my web buddy journal to get all the ones listed that are the best for me... but that's gonna take a while. Haven't had time to get to it today yet.. since today is Kara's birthday-- I have some other things going on that have had my attention-- like the cake in the oven that is gonna be done any minute.

Last night I had a survey about KETCHUP. Yes, KETCHUP. Hunts, Heinz and walmart great value brand. I had NO idea they could ask me SOOOOOOOOOOOO many questions about Ketchup. Especially when they got into this line of questions about assigning the personality traits to the different brands of ketchup. Have you ever done one like that??? If not, you don't know what you're missing.. Those are VERY entertaining.
RE PC.....I used to get surveys from them almost daily, but in February, I took a break from doing it due to school and I haven't received anything since. Do you think if I email them they will put me back on the list? I have the email addy for them.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???

Last edited by Tina; 05-18-2007 at 01:09 PM. Reason: Edited company name to reflect initials only
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Old 05-18-2007, 12:46 PM
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BoredOutOfMyMind BoredOutOfMyMind is offline

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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
RE PC.....I used to get surveys from them almost daily, but in February, I took a break from doing it due to school and I haven't received anything since. Do you think if I email them they will put me back on the list? I have the email addy for them.
That would be up to them, we do not encourage the full discussion of them here, as we don't want to jeopardize our membership.....

Depends if they need 83 yr old grouchy Females on their panels!
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?

Last edited by Tina; 05-18-2007 at 01:10 PM. Reason: Edited company name to reflect initials only
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