Apparently there must be something on that video that I cannot view on my sucky dialup connection.
I am reading the article and I do not get these same assumptions as you all out of the article. Perhaps I will view the video when I can get to a place where I can use fast access to see if I come to the same conclusion as you all.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)
hard to beleieve you were ever military,hope you aint allegedly defending us still !
I can't imagine German making it through boot camp. I mean with those horrible, mean, unfair drill Sergeant's and all.
I would have thought the first time he asked if he could hug the enemy instead of fighting them he would have been out the door.
__________________ "I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"
Titus2woman on AFF
"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.
"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.
"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."
Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
Lindell Cooley visited a local AofG church last year. My family and I were seated in the front row. A lady came down in the middle of service whooping and hollering flinging her arms all over the place. She was a huge distraction. The preacher and the ushers didn't do anything. After a few minutes, I silently muttered prayer under that she would be slain in the Spirit. I said it half-joking. I few seconds later, I looked over, and she was on the floor. She stayed there until the service was over.
There are many assumptions, rabbit trails, etc going on here... but we must take the story at face value... and having served on the staff of some larger churches like this one looks like... the crazies and the nuts show up from time to time and will do what ever exercises it takes to get attention... and I believe it is a spirit even sometimes manifesting to just bring confusion and chaos. God isn't the author of confusion.
And the best way to address that spirit isn't always by greasing them down like a pig at the county fair and casting the legion out of them... because that spirit wants attention, and that just feeds into the distraction.
Many times, the best way to deal with it is get it out of the service... and from what I read in the story... they had the church security detail, an off duty sheriff's deputy... which many churches use on their security detail... to escort her out.
She then became beligerant and wouldn't follow the instructions of the law officer. At that point, he is well within his rights to maintain control with whatever force is necessary... and it's appropriate. If she is showing that she will not physically calm down, and will not follow the instructions of the law officer, there is reasonable expectation that she might enter the service again and disrupt it (which is against the law), and maybe even cause harm to someone or herself.
He tased her, not only to control her, but in the end, also helps keeping her from possibly hurting herself since she showed behavior that was sporadic and out of control.
He was totally within his duty and rights, he protected the church, and in the end even probably protected her. And for many of these "crazies" that like to disrupt services, an encounter to this degree is just what it takes for them to open their eyes that something isn't right and then ask for help. You can't force help on someone that doesn't know they need it.
I not only favor tasering her... but also put a restraining order on her to keep her off the campus, unless she will go through some in depth counseling and treatment.
See, now I don't mind it if they know how to play a tambourine. When I would preach back in the day at a Church of God in Christ, you'd have at least a dozen of them in the place, and they all knew how to play it. I even saw one young lady pick one up... and when she couldn't play it to please the older sister next to her, it was taken away and demonstrated properly. So, I love a tamborine... but only when done right... and unfortunately, many of the ones in the white churches don't have a clue of what "played right" is.
Two of us that like tambourines...when played right.
There are many assumptions, rabbit trails, etc going on here... but we must take the story at face value... and having served on the staff of some larger churches like this one looks like... the crazies and the nuts show up from time to time and will do what ever exercises it takes to get attention... and I believe it is a spirit even sometimes manifesting to just bring confusion and chaos. God isn't the author of confusion.
And the best way to address that spirit isn't always by greasing them down like a pig at the county fair and casting the legion out of them... because that spirit wants attention, and that just feeds into the distraction.
Many times, the best way to deal with it is get it out of the service... and from what I read in the story... they had the church security detail, an off duty sheriff's deputy... which many churches use on their security detail... to escort her out.
She then became beligerant and wouldn't follow the instructions of the law officer. At that point, he is well within his rights to maintain control with whatever force is necessary... and it's appropriate. If she is showing that she will not physically calm down, and will not follow the instructions of the law officer, there is reasonable expectation that she might enter the service again and disrupt it (which is against the law), and maybe even cause harm to someone or herself.
He tased her, not only to control her, but in the end, also helps keeping her from possibly hurting herself since she showed behavior that was sporadic and out of control.
He was totally within his duty and rights, he protected the church, and in the end even probably protected her. And for many of these "crazies" that like to disrupt services, an encounter to this degree is just what it takes for them to open their eyes that something isn't right and then ask for help. You can't force help on someone that doesn't know they need it.
I not only favor tasering her... but also put a restraining order on her to keep her off the campus, unless she will go through some in depth counseling and treatment.
Keep in mind that there are still a few of us who only have dialup at our homes because the big companies do not want to spend the money to bring fast access internet to our little community. That said, we can only go by "face value" of what is written in these articles.
Now that I was able to view this video, I still have concerns that this lady was tazed instead of the ministry and people praying for her first. If there was a controlling demon or a spirit of confusion in this woman, don't you think it would either be cast out or the woman would flee from the Name of Jesus being called over her with anointing oils? Instead you would rather give her to the psychiatric unit of the hospital so your services would not be disrupted?
Your post reminds me of the verses in the Bible about a man in the cave, who nobody could bind or tame saw Jesus afar off and came running to him and worshipped Him. Jesus asked his name, which was Legion, for we are many, it replied. Jesus cast them into the swine which ran into the water and drowned. The people came and saw the one possessed with demons, sane and in his right mind. The people were afraid and besought Jesus to leave.
So this brings up something that I have not thought about much. Why did they ask Jesus to leave?
What an opportunity for the power of God to perform a miracle in this tazered woman's life and for the people who could have witnessed such a miracle to testify it to others about what happened at church this Wednesday evening wasted.
Are we not in the same shape as the people who sought Jesus to leave their coasts?
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)
I can't imagine German making it through boot camp. I mean with those horrible, mean, unfair drill Sergeant's and all.
I would have thought the first time he asked if he could hug the enemy instead of fighting them he would have been out the door.
reminds me of one of our High School teachers describing combat during World War 2 "...It was dark and noisy and we just shot and hoped we didn't hit anybody..."
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship