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Old 05-17-2012, 07:24 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Make 5:41 - 41..Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.”

Mark 7:33-34 - ..And He took him aside from the multitude, and put His fingers in his ears, and He spat and touched his tongue. 34..Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.”

This guy packs them out. Butchers the Bible, but He packs them out. Bad hermeneutics.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 05-17-2012, 07:42 AM
Bro. Robbins Bro. Robbins is offline
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
Make 5:41 - 41..Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.”

Mark 7:33-34 - ..And He took him aside from the multitude, and put His fingers in his ears, and He spat and touched his tongue. 34..Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.”

This guy packs them out. Butchers the Bible, but He packs them out. Bad hermeneutics.
I wouldnt' go out on my front porch to listen to that heretic holler "swanny".
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Old 05-17-2012, 07:46 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Technically speaking, Jesus was speaking in a tongue......it was Aramaic
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

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Old 05-17-2012, 07:48 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
Technically speaking, Jesus was speaking in a tongue......it was Aramaic
he also spoke hebrew since much of the scripture was read in israel's native tounge, plus greek since they were occupied by the romans
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:01 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Well, years ago in the early days of this Holy Spirit outpouring in the early 1900's some of the preachers used to quote those 2 incidents plus Mark 14:36 and say that Jesus spoke with tongues. It is my understanding that Mark just quotes the words of Jesus in Aramaic and then gives the interpretation in the language in which he wrote his Gospel (which would have been Greek).

I'm not sure but I think old Bro. Hemphill (Joel Hemphill's dad) used to preach that. If I remember correctly, Joel Hemphill also said that in a radio sermon when he was going through a debate with a Church of Christ preacher. I also read that in an old sermon somewhere by a Church of God (Cleveland) TN preacher.

I guess I'm about the oldest guy on here now but maybe some of the others here will remember hearing that or at least hearing of that ---that the passages in Mark were used to "prove" that Jesus spoke with tongues.
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:17 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Well, years ago in the early days of this Holy Spirit outpouring in the early 1900's some of the preachers used to quote those 2 incidents plus Mark 14:36 and say that Jesus spoke with tongues. It is my understanding that Mark just quotes the words of Jesus in Aramaic and then gives the interpretation in the language in which he wrote his Gospel (which would have been Greek).

I'm not sure but I think old Bro. Hemphill (Joel Hemphill's dad) used to preach that. If I remember correctly, Joel Hemphill also said that in a radio sermon when he was going through a debate with a Church of Christ preacher. I also read that in an old sermon somewhere by a Church of God (Cleveland) TN preacher.

I guess I'm about the oldest guy on here now but maybe some of the others here will remember hearing that or at least hearing of that ---that the passages in Mark were used to "prove" that Jesus spoke with tongues.
did they also use the scripture where jesus was crying out eloi eloi lama sabachthani My God My God why have you forsaken me.

some will argue that jesus spoke Hebrew only, but i doubt that was the case. But none of this represents the gift of tounges. It represents His native language.
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:26 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I'm not sure but I think old Bro. Hemphill (Joel Hemphill's dad) used to preach that. If I remember correctly, Joel Hemphill also said that in a radio sermon when he was going through a debate with a Church of Christ preacher.
I like what His Son preaches now.
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Old 05-17-2012, 08:56 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
did they also use the scripture where jesus was crying out eloi eloi lama sabachthani My God My God why have you forsaken me.

probably did, I forgot about that verse.
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Old 05-17-2012, 09:05 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Something from a Creflo Dollar book.

I’ve only watched Creflo Dollar a couple of times on tv. Once I heard him do some great teaching about cutting a covenant. Last time I watched him I heard him going on about how wealthy Jesus was in material goods (large house, tailor made clothes, new –certainly not a “used” vehicle) and was really turned off. You know, the old “Prosperity Gospel” stuff. Maybe Dollar is a good name for him.

A couple years ago I bought a book by him called The Image of Righteousness. It has a copyright date of 2002. When I skimmed through some of it at the used book store it looked pretty good. It is about Christians having Christ’s righteousness and therefore not having to go about working to establish a righteousness of their own. This is a truth that is sorely overlooked by many Christians and causes a lot of problems for Christians who are struggling in “performance based” religions and churches.

Here is some stuff from pages 80-92 where he wrote about the creation of Adam as the god of this earth. I’ll just pass this on with no comment.

Each species of livestock, wild beasts and insects were created based on a pattern….

It was no different when God created man… We are created after God’s “kind,” which tells us that we are not mere human beings. Instead, we are super-human beings, possessing supernatural, creative power….

It’s important to understand that you are not second-class. You are an exact duplicate of the image of God. This does not mean that you are God. It means that you are made in God’s image and His likeness, with an ability to create with words as God did….

God took a reflection of Himself and placed it in a physical body formed out of the dust. Then He breathed His own life into it, named it Adam, and gave him authority over all physical things on the planet. God in heaven had made Adam god of the earth. Adam was crowned god of all physical things formed from the dust of the earth…

All of God’s handiwork was now placed in the authority of the god of the earth –Adam…

Notice again, God formed the physical bodies of the animals out of the ground just as He had Adam, but nowhere do we find God breathing life into them. They did not have life until Adam spoke words of life over them.

God was training a god in the earth. He had to teach him how to do what He does. This god would have authority over the animals. The reason he would have authority over the animals is that they would not live until he gave them life, just as God had given Adam life….

God formed Adam’s physical body out of the dust of the ground and called him into existence. He then showed Adam to do what He did, including how to use the power of his words. When Adam said, “Buffalo,” the buffalo came to life. He was breathing life into that which he had authority over through the spoken word.

God called it, and it was. Adam called it, and it was –just as if God Himself had called it. Adam had authority. He was god of this physical realm just as God was God of the spiritual realm. Adam was god of this planet and all the handiwork of God.
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Old 05-17-2012, 09:29 AM
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Re: Creflo Dollar Says Jesus Spoke in Tongues

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Something from a Creflo Dollar book.

I’ve only watched Creflo Dollar a couple of times on tv. Once I heard him do some great teaching about cutting a covenant. Last time I watched him I heard him going on about how wealthy Jesus was in material goods (large house, tailor made clothes, new –certainly not a “used” vehicle) and was really turned off. You know, the old “Prosperity Gospel” stuff. Maybe Dollar is a good name for him.

A couple years ago I bought a book by him called The Image of Righteousness. It has a copyright date of 2002. When I skimmed through some of it at the used book store it looked pretty good. It is about Christians having Christ’s righteousness and therefore not having to go about working to establish a righteousness of their own. This is a truth that is sorely overlooked by many Christians and causes a lot of problems for Christians who are struggling in “performance based” religions and churches.

Here is some stuff from pages 80-92 where he wrote about the creation of Adam as the god of this earth. I’ll just pass this on with no comment.

Each species of livestock, wild beasts and insects were created based on a pattern….

It was no different when God created man… We are created after God’s “kind,” which tells us that we are not mere human beings. Instead, we are super-human beings, possessing supernatural, creative power….

It’s important to understand that you are not second-class. You are an exact duplicate of the image of God. This does not mean that you are God. It means that you are made in God’s image and His likeness, with an ability to create with words as God did….

God took a reflection of Himself and placed it in a physical body formed out of the dust. Then He breathed His own life into it, named it Adam, and gave him authority over all physical things on the planet. God in heaven had made Adam god of the earth. Adam was crowned god of all physical things formed from the dust of the earth…

All of God’s handiwork was now placed in the authority of the god of the earth –Adam…

Notice again, God formed the physical bodies of the animals out of the ground just as He had Adam, but nowhere do we find God breathing life into them. They did not have life until Adam spoke words of life over them.

God was training a god in the earth. He had to teach him how to do what He does. This god would have authority over the animals. The reason he would have authority over the animals is that they would not live until he gave them life, just as God had given Adam life….

God formed Adam’s physical body out of the dust of the ground and called him into existence. He then showed Adam to do what He did, including how to use the power of his words. When Adam said, “Buffalo,” the buffalo came to life. He was breathing life into that which he had authority over through the spoken word.

God called it, and it was. Adam called it, and it was –just as if God Himself had called it. Adam had authority. He was god of this physical realm just as God was God of the spiritual realm. Adam was god of this planet and all the handiwork of God.
yes having this discussion yesturday about rightousness, its never are rightousness. rightousness is imputed to you. It is God who uses you for His rightous deeds. I agree with that statment.

as for the comment about adam, that is actually nothing new. that is called divine agency and is used through the bible.

moses was also made a god(elohim/theos) to pharoh the judges was considered theoi/gods or divine agent. which is nothing new in a hebraic mind set

it actually makes sense.
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