I posted this thread some time ago. Listened to the YouTube and felt the Holy Ghost. Nancy Harmon came from a very conservative background and does not practice the things she was once a part of. I do believe she has the Spirit (anointing). I felt it as she sang this song. I also believe Jimmy Swaggart, although he has been broken, realizes more today than in his past. He didn't give up and join the type of music his cousins were a part of. Even old Jerry Lee Lewis sings some of the old hymns from time to time. Yes, he's old now and those old honky tonk songs that made him rise to popularity, will never bring him peace of mind.
"TIME changes everything except those things which are eternal". Quote from my late father-Rev Robert L. Blakey
Chances are, we too, if we live long enough, will be broken, if we haven't been already.