Obama Presidency in Danger of God's Wrath
I'm a fair-minded fellow. At least I try to be. I will compliment and praise a president when I feel he's done something right, something good, something that blesses and serves our country and future well. When presidents fail and do things that are believe are wrong and detrimental our nation, no matter who they are, I will speak out against it. I was critical of the Bush admin when they increased spending to harmful levels. I was critical of Bush when when he reneged on his "no new taxes" pledge. I praised Clinton for welfare reform and for bombing the Afghani mountains trying to take out Bin Laden. I praised Obama's speech when he received the Noble Peace Prize. It was very pro-America and reminded the Europeans that freedom would not exist in Western Europe if not for sacrifices of America's military men and women. I admit, I haven't had much to praise Obama these past few years, but I try to remain consistent with my principles. I have issues with each of the four remaining candidates in the GOP race, Romney probably third on my list of choices out of the four. In a head to head with Obama the obvious choice for me will be Romney in spite of my reservations. There's virtually nothing I find compelling to vote for Obama. There's at least enough with Romney that I will cast my vote for him should he secure the nomination.
However, I'm greatly distressed that it appears that our president and the administration he leads has betrayed our faithful ally, Israel. I must say that it is not yet proven, so I'm willing to wait and see but if it is the case, our nation is in danger of God's curse as a result. The betrayal? Sources are saying that the "leak" of information that Iran's neighbor, Azerbaijan, had a secret agreement with Israel to allow Israeli forces to attack Iran should they choose to do so to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons capability, using Azerbaijan as a base of operations. This greatly compromises Israel's covert efforts to keep Iran in the dark about where, when and how they would attack. If this leak came from the USA, we have betrayed a loyal and faithful friend. More disturbing is that if we have caused harm to Israel, we have to answer to God and His covenant with Abraham. "I will curse those that curse you", I'm afraid this may apply to us if the rumors are true. Pray saints, pray!
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.