Christ Temple, Huntington, WVa
Is there anyone who can tell me anything about Christ Temple Church in Huntington, WVa?
Was this church part of the UPCI at some point?
Are they an Apostolic church or are they of the One-step persuasion, still baptizing in the Name of Jesus Christ?
Is this church a standard-preaching church?
Are their sermons fiery and intense in delivery or "exhortational" in the vein of Joel O'Steen?
Anecdotes about this church, its history and its current leadership are welcome too.
I would like to know all that I can find out about Christ Temple Church in Huntington, WVa. Yes, I can read their website, but if there is anyone on here who knows about them, I would like for you to tell me about this church-- the good, the bad, and the neutral.
It's important, for reasons I'd rather not get into.
Before anyone asks, "No", I'm not looking to relocate to Huntington, WVa.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."