Sorry, that one single line I bolded made me think of the infamous Ghostbusters commercial.
And I actually do have a fascination with the supernatural/aka, the afterlife, insomuch as I wonder about the nature and physics behind it. I am convinced that there can be spirits (NOT souls) which continue to "haunt" locations after a persons death, although their exact nature is a mystery.
As far as witchcraft goes and "curses", I have much harder time believing in certain parts of it. In other words I do NOT believe I will suddenly drop a bowling ball on my feet because someone somewhere placed a curse on me. Now I MAY drop a bowling ball but it would be from my own clumsiness and not from someone making a witches potion using some of my hair that they stole from a hairbrush.
You and I are a lot alike in some ways. I like your theory on hauntings. "Residual energy", which you interpret as "spirit", if I remember correctly.
Now, as far as the witchcraft thing. I agree... just because some bad things or accidents happen, it doesn't mean witchcraft is behind it. However, witchcraft and demonization do manifest on occasions in ways that are uncommon, abnormal, or just disturbing. For example... if your bowling ball became too hot to handle and you dropped it on your foot... or if your hand suddenly locked up ridgid and you dropped it on your foot... or if the bowling ball for no apparent reason moved from it's corale and fell onto your foot while in a conversation. Those things might catch my attention as having spiritual forces behind them. Of course... I'd be thinking I want out of that league. lol
And so, a Christian's concept of "witchcraft" can reliably be determined from an episode of Bewitched, then. See that neither you, the collective you, nor anyone you know, has ever witnessed this kind of witchcraft; it is strictly a movie.
It's funny. The Lord revealed to me that there's actually a witch on my job today (in all seriousness). Well I guess she kind of revealed it, without revealing it, the Lord just opened my eyes to it. It's a shame she's a real nice lady, she at least pretends to get along with me at work. There's always an oppressive environment here, LOL I've had to pray against all kinds of things. The Lord is faithful though, none of that mess comes any further then outside my door. I'm that one Apostolic nutjob that brings my anointing oil to work. I just can't help it.
I would say that fear is a major weapon of Satan. I have often wondered about the scripture in Revelation where it talks about the man of sin being able to do mighty signs and wonders, and that perhaps even the elect would be deceived, in another passage where Jesus was speaking. I have prayed about this, and asked God how I would be able to know and discern. I certainly don't want to be among the elect who are deceived. God brought to my attention this fact. Satan uses fear as his major weapon. But perfect love casteth out all fear. Anyone that is living in fear, and is controlled by something, someone, or anything that brings fear, is not of God. The fear of God as proposed in another thread brings respect. Fear that is of Satan brings confusion, and distress.
I do believe the enemy uses fear as his main weapon to exert his control over people. I would say that could the deciding factor, and measuring stick to use.
I would say that fear is a major weapon of Satan. I have often wondered about the scripture in Revelation where it talks about the man of sin being able to do mighty signs and wonders, and that perhaps even the elect would be deceived, in another passage where Jesus was speaking. I have prayed about this, and asked God how I would be able to know and discern. I certainly don't want to be among the elect who are deceived. God brought to my attention this fact. Satan uses fear as his major weapon. But perfect love casteth out all fear. Anyone that is living in fear, and is controlled by something, someone, or anything that brings fear, is not of God. The fear of God as proposed in another thread brings respect. Fear that is of Satan brings confusion, and distress.
I do believe the enemy uses fear as his main weapon to exert his control over people. I would say that could the deciding factor, and measuring stick to use.
Just my thoughts.
Thank you so much for that, this says alot much further than this particular topic. It's good to be reminded of things that may slip our mind.
I'd like to say I feel I only have a most basic understanding of most things biblical, and I'm going to try to be more careful adding my incite about things I don't really understand very well.
I would say that fear is a major weapon of Satan. I have often wondered about the scripture in Revelation where it talks about the man of sin being able to do mighty signs and wonders, and that perhaps even the elect would be deceived, in another passage where Jesus was speaking. I have prayed about this, and asked God how I would be able to know and discern. I certainly don't want to be among the elect who are deceived. God brought to my attention this fact. Satan uses fear as his major weapon. But perfect love casteth out all fear. Anyone that is living in fear, and is controlled by something, someone, or anything that brings fear, is not of God. The fear of God as proposed in another thread brings respect. Fear that is of Satan brings confusion, and distress.
I do believe the enemy uses fear as his main weapon to exert his control over people. I would say that could the deciding factor, and measuring stick to use.
Just my thoughts.
Control and manipulation are big indicators that witchcraft is at work.