Originally Posted by Rose
Our journey among churches proved your insight to be true. So, we have come full circle because of the basic doctrine taught in the ALJC & UPCI churches. We are trying to be content in our home bible studies and attending church twice a week. Our daily walk with JESUS gives us the joy and the strength to press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
This state is where we will wait upon the LORD to either open other doors or to take us in the rapture.
Amen... seems like all the sista's on here are in agreement thus far - wow!
I do see home bible studies, and home churches as being closer to the early church, however, as long as you have man, nothing is perfect. There are potential problems with house church too, but it does seem to be the preferred road these days... perhaps that is where God is trying to take his believers ...... although I know there are churches with humble men of God doing mighty and great things too. One size does not fit all to be sure.