Originally Posted by JamDat
Or I could explain to them why they don't measure up and then what was done about it.
I think the issue I have with it is that it's really for people who call themselves Christian and the "worldy" (if that makes sense) sinners are taking it out of context. This is what I'm seeing on facebook.
Directed to the proper audience it could have an impact. It's not really that bad of a video. Yet I still find issues with some things in it, but not huge ones. For example I don't think Jesus came to abolish religion, but to take on our punishment so that we could be saved.
There's a blog post you might enjoy.
I see both sides of this. I did post the video on my facebook, and it has opened discussion with someone.
Not a Christian someone either. I also posted this to one of my pastors..when he posted this link.
I was a little hesitant to click on this link! But I actually really like what he has to say. He's right, there is a distinction that has to be made. Looking at things from a purely Christian/churched point of view, I line up very easily with this blog post. Religion as God designed it is a precious and beautiful thing, the living out of relationship with Him. Jesus was religious, in every good sense of the word.
But. For those who are unchurched and unreached and do not know Jesus, this video speaks their language. I try very hard to maintain that perspective, no matter how much I learn and how easily I can think in "Christian" now. This video earned a spot on my wall because I knew it would spark thought, and I feel privileged that it's sparked discussion. Probably 90%, maybe more, of my facebook friends are unsaved, most of them would be considered unchurched. Quite an awful lot of them have been burned or deeply wounded by Christians or in churches (I'd still call them unchurched if they haven't attended in years and years). This distinction made between Jesus and what these people call religion is, IMO, so important.
I did say that I do not feel hate is too strong of a word...and I don't.
I hate the institutions and organizations that uphold man made (false) doctrines that continue to hurt people, hold them in bondage, and prevent those desperate for God from finding Him. I hate that my family ended up hurt by these rules and doctrines, making it very difficult for me to establish a relationship with the God who was hotly pursuing me. I hate that I hear stories from my friends, my unsaved friends, that mirror my experiences. I hate that their hearts have been wounded by Christianity...and that they equate the hurt with Jesus, and thus reject Him. I hate those kind of lies. I hate hearing their experiences, hearing them blame Christianity, religion, God...and knowing that what they have experienced is not at all who God is. I desperately had to separate Jesus from "Christianity" in order to accept Jesus. This is why I love this video.