Re: Communion
I have a question, and you do not have to answer back here. Is there any sin in your life that you have not repented of. If there is, and you do not wish to give it up, stay away from it. However, if your heart is right before God, go and partake. It is there for all who are members of the Body to partake. It is only if you partake unworthily that you are in trouble. Only you can know the state that you are in, and that is why in almost every church that I have been in and taken communion, they give time to reflect and repent.
Do not stay away just because of a 'feeling'. Those things will betray you in a hurry. As I believe Sergant Friday said in Dragnet, 'Just the facts, ma'am.'
I said all of that to say, do not rely on your feelings, but the factual state of your walk with God to determine whether or not you take communion.