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Old 11-16-2011, 09:08 AM
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Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Because they want to focus on and talk about the obvious flaws of the ones on TV so no one will focus on their flaws hidden behind the long hair, long dresses and controlling and manipulative preachers with skeletons in their closets!
Sorry AB, the folks in this thread that are interested arent traditional OP.

They are the ones that left Traditional OP. But hey, I am sure it was just too hard to pass up the shot.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 11-16-2011, 02:14 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

Originally Posted by riverslivnwtr View Post
That is sicking, Brother..but a good reminder of what happens in Christianity ..like waking us up to the fact the Satan uses many well meaning people.

I hate Islam!!!! I want to destroy it..but without harming any Muslims...

to hate them means you've lost hope in the possibility of reaching them..Those who come out to attack Rich Warren and those who are reaching out to Muslims; do not believe that Muslims can be reached.. Their imaginations are marred with the image of defeat...

I will not comment on those who made these accusations. because God is at my right hand.. seriously.
You know what's funny about this whole mess; RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't people realize, this ancient, age old WAR and RELIGIOUS HATE goes back to the beginning! Whether people like it or not, Muslims and the Arab race are the offspring of Abraham and they are directly related to the Jews. They also believe and practice many of the same concepts found in our own Bible.

They also kill, hate, and do the EXACT same things that Christians do. The only difference is, they strap bombs to their bodies and we write Scriptures on the bombs, guns, and scopes we use to kill them.

There are Muslims who are peaceful and well meaning people. I was good friends with a Muslim man for years, and they love God (in their own way), pray, and walk according to the Religion they were born into. Yes, some are radical and crazy, but let's not forget about people like Jim Jones, how the Native Americans were abused by those who trust in the Bible, or the numerous killings/executions of innocent people by Christians in the past.

Not to mention, the bloodshed of the Old Testament.

I honestly get tired of this hypocritical hate towards others who don’t practice Christianity. Think about it; most Muslims are raised to believe they are following the Truth, just like Christians are, and they are brainwashed to believe in Allah from the day they are born.

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Old 11-16-2011, 03:12 PM
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Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

this is where i go puke. good grief.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 11-16-2011, 08:08 PM
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Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

Actually, many things are done in the name of God that are not of His order. Further, with a few exceptions, most of the terrorism over the last 40 years has been done by Muslims. They do not feel that it is wrong to lie to the 'infidel' in order to achieve their purposes. I have known a few Muslims, and they were good people, but they are part of a religion that teaches that everyone who is not Muslim should be killed or converted. They do not worship the same God we do, although there are some similarities, nor is their Jesus our Jesus.

In the end, there is no compromise, in the religious sense, with Islam. We are both absolutist religions, and both of us can not be right. Either we are right, and Jesus Christ is God manifest in flesh, who died upon the cross, and rose after three days, and is worthy of our worship, or the Muslims are correct, and Jesus was only a man born of Mary and Joseph, was used mightily used of God, and died as all men die. Beyond this point there is no compromise.
I am an Apostolic Pentecostal. Apostolic in teaching, and Pentecostal in experience.

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Old 11-17-2011, 12:25 PM
riverslivnwtr riverslivnwtr is offline
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Talking Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
You know what's funny about this whole mess; RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't people realize, this ancient, age old WAR and RELIGIOUS HATE goes back to the beginning! Whether people like it or not, Muslims and the Arab race are the offspring of Abraham and they are directly related to the Jews. They also believe and practice many of the same concepts found in our own Bible.

They also kill, hate, and do the EXACT same things that Christians do. The only difference is, they strap bombs to their bodies and we write Scriptures on the bombs, guns, and scopes we use to kill them.

There are Muslims who are peaceful and well meaning people. I was good friends with a Muslim man for years, and they love God (in their own way), pray, and walk according to the Religion they were born into. Yes, some are radical and crazy, but let's not forget about people like Jim Jones, how the Native Americans were abused by those who trust in the Bible, or the numerous killings/executions of innocent people by Christians in the past.

Not to mention, the bloodshed of the Old Testament.

I honestly get tired of this hypocritical hate towards others who don’t practice Christianity. Think about it; most Muslims are raised to believe they are following the Truth, just like Christians are, and they are brainwashed to believe in Allah from the day they are born.

In may of 1993 the word of the Lord came unto me saying, "for by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war."

having being convicted of adultery and receiving the Holy Ghost, I understood plainly that I can win any war without ever shedding blood...with the precept which I just shared with you...

back at that time when I first heard that there were a billion Muslims in the world....I became enraged..not realizing how big the world is...and how much work there is ahead of me.. but with a couple million people like yourself I can end all wars or at least make the world stand still long enough to consider the fact that they have no other alternative..

Months before 9/11 I came to the conclusion that the image of the Beast in Revelation is WAR....
that once the gospel came into the world , that God condemns all forms of war..because the gospel is the solution to all the worlds ills..and every answer that man will ever need is written therein....

The bible also says that, "we are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power"

in the beginning with the blood of the martyrs which is mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11 ... and the followup in verse 14-17 in that chapter which excoriates the sin of War.....

and this is why Mystery Babylon is condemned...
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Old 11-17-2011, 01:03 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

Originally Posted by Jay View Post
Actually, many things are done in the name of God that are not of His order. Further, with a few exceptions, most of the terrorism over the last 40 years has been done by Muslims. They do not feel that it is wrong to lie to the 'infidel' in order to achieve their purposes. I have known a few Muslims, and they were good people, but they are part of a religion that teaches that everyone who is not Muslim should be killed or converted. They do not worship the same God we do, although there are some similarities, nor is their Jesus our Jesus.

In the end, there is no compromise, in the religious sense, with Islam. We are both absolutist religions, and both of us can not be right. Either we are right, and Jesus Christ is God manifest in flesh, who died upon the cross, and rose after three days, and is worthy of our worship, or the Muslims are correct, and Jesus was only a man born of Mary and Joseph, was used mightily used of God, and died as all men die. Beyond this point there is no compromise.
All depends on what you call Terrorism. Do you feel our invasion of Iraq was justified? If so, by what means do you consider the death toll of Iraq Civilians a noble cause (Since the invasion of Iraq, over 100,000 Iraqi Civilians have been killed between the years 2003-2009)?

What about Slavery? What about what happened to the Native Americans? Do you consider these acts of violence against humanity a form of Terrorism? Some define Terrorism as simply an exploit of violence against innocent people, to gain political, religious, or social power.

Sami Zeidan, a Lebanese diplomat and scholar, explained the political reasons underlying the current difficulties to define terrorism as follows:

"There is no general consensus on the definition of terrorism. The difficulty of defining terrorism lies in the risk it entails of taking positions. The political value of the term currently prevails over its legal one. Left to its political meaning, terrorism easily falls prey to change that suits the interests of particular states at particular times. The Taliban and Osama bin Laden were once called freedom fighters (mujahideen) and backed by the CIA when they were resisting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Now they are on top of the international terrorist lists. Today, the United Nations views Palestinians as freedom fighters, struggling against the unlawful occupation of their land by Israel, and engaged in a long-established legitimate resistance, yet Israel regards them as terrorists. Israel also brands the Hizbullah of Lebanon as a terrorist group, whereas most of the international community regards it as a legitimate resistance group, fighting Israel's occupation of Southern Lebanon. In fact, the successful ousting of Israeli forces from most of the South by the Hizbollah in 2000 made Lebanon the only Arab country to actually defeat the Israeli army. The repercussion of the current preponderance of the political over the legal value of terrorism is costly, leaving the war against terrorism selective, incomplete and ineffective."

Bringing our own Religion into the equation has nothing to do with the justification of killing or maiming other human beings. In other words, beating our own drum of being “Right” is only the mask of hiding our own lies and deceit.
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Old 11-17-2011, 01:52 PM
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Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Doesn't surprise me about Rick Warren. He's been trying to dilute the gospel for years. Disappointed to see Bill Hybels listed as signing with this mess, not that I'm upset over it, but I know quite a few ministers that have tried modeling their churches and ministries after his.
Really? Have you ever listened to him preach? His church members take a systematic theology class? How many pentecostal churches do this?
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Old 11-17-2011, 04:16 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Jack Van Impe abandons TBN due to CHRISLAM

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I still cant for the life of me figure out why Apostolics care what Jack Van Impe and TBN are up to?
Spiritual inferiority complex.
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