When all the old time hymns were written, they were "imitating the world" at the time. They almost always go to the chord progressions of Celtic folk songs(pagan music). Why has no one addressed this?
Those who cry that we need to get back to the "old paths" actually mean we need to get back to the 1950's. Not really that old. If you really want to get back to the "old paths", then why don't you start playing ancient middle eastern style worship songs and scrap all the rest?(I've already heard ultra cons condemning Churches who play this style of music as trying to be "Judaizers") If the Apostles heard "Blessed Assurance" or "Rock of Ages", the chord progressions and melody would sound very foreign and quite possibly a little disturbing to them. The Pharisees might even tell you to "stop imitating the world" trying to sound like the Irish, Scottish, and Welsh headbangers of back in the day.
If it sounds like Rock, it's imitating the world and should be condemned. If it sounds like the music that Jesus and the Apostles actually enjoyed, it's Judaizing wierdness. If it sounds like Country, it's a beautiful, anointed, "Southern Gospel" song. If it sounds like European paganism, it's one of the cherished, beloved heavenly hymns from the songbook. PATHETIC!
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.
Bang your head. Yeah yeah bang your head for the lord. Yeah yeah, bang Your head!
My new heavy metal alter call song.
If I see the word altar(a place of prayer or sacrifice) spelled alter(to change or manipulate something) one more time on this site, I'm going to give you all an A-L-T-A-R call to repent!
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.
So you fasted, prayed, and weeped AND searched the sctiprues (wow) (as though they weren't plain enough) to see if it was okay to lift Black Sabbath music and use it to promote the gospel? Isn't that kind of like Baalam not getting the answer he wanted for Balak and continuing to "inquire" of the Lord, until finally in a round about way his flesh was satisfied with the result?
Just askin'
Has God ever shown you anything, Jason? Or do you serve the dried up, shriveled up, twice dead, plucked up by the roots god of Calvinism? John MacArthur? Are you serious? I thought you spoke in tongues. Maybe I've mixed you up with someone else, but if you have ever spoken in tongues, John MacArthur believes you either mockingly faked it or are demon possessed. What a great guy to quote to prove a point on an APOSTOLIC forum. I couldn't care less what that blasphemer thinks or says or writes, and if you're Apostolic, you shouldn't either.
Forget the chord progressions and the melody for a second. "Overjoyed" is a song about being freed from the bondage of satan, shouting in happiness because of it, singing God's praises, magnifying His Name, encouraging others to lift up the Name of Jesus, declaring that only Jesus gives sight to the blind and that Faith in Him leads to Everlasting Life, the severity of His Sacrifice at Calvary, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is real, and exhorting the unsaved to let Him into their hearts before it's too late. Would it be more Godly and less like the world if it were set to an ol' time Gospel Hymn type tune like "Heaven's Just a Sin Away"? Before you say no, just think of how many good "old paths" hymns sound just like that wicked song.
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.
Last edited by Ev. Duane Williams; 10-17-2011 at 07:59 AM.
I wouldn't agree with using any of those songs if the lyrics remain the same. "Money" even has a curse word in it. That's not what I do or advocate at all.
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.
If I see the word altar(a place of prayer or sacrifice) spelled alter(to change or manipulate something) one more time on this site, I'm going to give you all an A-L-T-A-R call to repent!
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.
The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
You have got to be kidding. Your interpretation of this scripture allows me to walk in a bar, get plastered drunk, and then talk to the ole boy next to me about coming to church.
No it doesn't
After all, I have to become drunk to save a drunk right?
Becoming drunk is a sin, playing an Em power chord is not
By all means possible, right?
Without sinning, yes.
Nice interpretation of scripture.
Thank you.
Just what a sinner needs to hear, a song that sounds like something they already listen to.
It got me searching. Now I'm drug free, alcohol free, depression free and living for Jesus. But I guess I'm still going to hell for breaking the 11th Commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Rock"
Let's be different. Quit imitating the world. They should be imitating us