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Old 05-10-2007, 03:49 PM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
You mean back when we actually fought to win?
What a strange concept, indeed.

How well do I remember that war. I'm a part of Tom Brokaw's "Greatest Generation."

I remember my uncles and older cousins coming home, sitting around the fireplace and telling war stories as the light of the fire in the darkness of the house would flicker a glow in our faces. They would tell war stories that would curl your hair.
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Old 05-10-2007, 03:53 PM

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Indoor plumbing ~ Good by outhouse. Yes theme were the days my friend....
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Old 05-10-2007, 04:03 PM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by CupCake View Post
Indoor plumbing ~ Good by outhouse. Yes theme were the days my friend....
Aaaaah yes!

Those were the good ol' days. Days when men were men and the wimmin were wimmin and the twain never became one except in holy matrimony.

The good ol' days when a dollar was truly a dollar and not just another Mexican Peso.

It was the good old days back then when one night I looked up at the moon after seeing an airplane fly over and asked my Dad, "Do you think that it would ever be possible to fly to the moon?" Dad said, "Son, no man shall ever fly to the moon. The Lord would certainly come first."

Aaaaah the good ol' days when I could pick cotton for a penny a pound. I could not do it, but I knew folk that could very often pick more than a hundred pounds in ONE DAY, if the cotton was high enough. Thought I was rich when I saved up a whole dollar. But, I gave that dollar to Bro. Earl Gamblin in his offering one night.

It was the good ol' days, indeed.
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Old 05-11-2007, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
We're sorry you are this old.

I guess it's just good that you even remember, huh?

Love ya Bro. Strange!!!!!

" O L D ? "

I Wasn't Old

When I Got Baptized
{ in the '40s}


When I Received The HOLY GHOST !
{ in the '40s}

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Old 05-11-2007, 09:14 AM

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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
Aaaaah yes!

Those were the good ol' days. Days when men were men and the wimmin were wimmin and the twain never became one except in holy matrimony.

The good ol' days when a dollar was truly a dollar and not just another Mexican Peso.

It was the good old days back then when one night I looked up at the moon after seeing an airplane fly over and asked my Dad, "Do you think that it would ever be possible to fly to the moon?" Dad said, "Son, no man shall ever fly to the moon. The Lord would certainly come first."

Aaaaah the good ol' days when I could pick cotton for a penny a pound. I could not do it, but I knew folk that could very often pick more than a hundred pounds in ONE DAY, if the cotton was high enough. Thought I was rich when I saved up a whole dollar. But, I gave that dollar to Bro. Earl Gamblin in his offering one night.

It was the good ol' days, indeed.
Uncle Woodrow lived outside of Maysville, OK and he had a two holer (in use) right up to the mid 1970s when he moved into town so as Aunt Sylv could have a gas stove and running water in the kitchen... She was gettin' too old to tote it from the single handled pump positioned pefectly along side the back porch. Plus, ole Sybil the big grey plow horse up and died with no explanation ceptin she was all of 25 or 26 years old.

That was a momentous day when Uncle Woody and Aunt Sylv became city slickers... broke this youngun's heart!
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Old 05-11-2007, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Strange View Post
That is correct.

Her name was really Maude.

Bro. Robert LaFleur would play the "French Harp," and dance around as he played it. When he moved, it seemed like he moved all of heaven and earth too. I remember him so well. Later, he became the pastor at Oakdale, La.
You are right.I got the name wrong.I had hoped French campmeeting would come back one day.We could take it up to the NorthEast and Canada in the Summers.Would that not be grand?
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Old 05-11-2007, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
yea, back when a military commander didnt have to get a lawyer on the phone before shooting at some stinking enemy. before our war efforts were clensed so we were more concerned with not breaking things than with winning. Back when winning was a life and death matter and everyone knew it. back when Freedom meant something and everyone was willing to put thier one aspiraitions aside to secure it.

yea. the 1940s sure must have been something.
Americans !!!!
It's ALL good!!!

James 2
12 So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free. 13 For there will be no mercy for you if you have not been merciful to others. But if you have been merciful, then God's mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you.
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Old 05-11-2007, 10:29 AM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by Bishop1 View Post
" O L D ? "

I Wasn't Old

When I Got Baptized
{ in the '40s}


When I Received The HOLY GHOST !
{ in the '40s}

I was not old either when I got the Holy Ghost in 1947 under a big top tent revival preached by two mighty fine preachers named Earl Gamblin and a Bro. Self.

I was not old when I got I got baptized in the name of Jesus by a mighty fine preacher by the name of George L. Glass in the baptistry of the church pastored by one C. G. Weeks.

Anybody here got a better Apostolic heritage that THAT????

My Pastors include among others, my own Dad, Dares Kennon, Clarence Wiley, Sr., J.B. Thomas, G.A. Mangun, and presently James Kilgore, Sr. My grandkids are now 6th generation Apostolics whose lineage goes back to near the turn of the century. How's that for a spiritual pedigree?

All of that and obedience to Acts 2:38 and I MIGHT keep my sorry, rusty hide out of hell. Anyway, I am thankful for where I've come from and with whom I've been honored to fellowship with in my brief life.

How blessed I've been to have rubbed shoulders with and have walked among the giants of Apostolic Pentecostalism.

I'm sure that you can say the same thing too.
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Old 05-11-2007, 10:31 AM
Brother Strange

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Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
You are right.I got the name wrong.I had hoped French campmeeting would come back one day.We could take it up to the NorthEast and Canada in the Summers.Would that not be grand?
I was born in Branch, La at Gum Point, in the church parsonage right during the middle of a bad hurricane. My Dad pastored mostly a French speaking church at the time.
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