Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
I agree. Generally speaking those who attach the titles of apostle or prophet to their names are neither. The same with "bishop". Give me a break. I'm so sick of "christianity" in America if it wasn't for a real relationship with Christ I'd give up on it alltogether.
Ghandi said it so well: "If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian." He's got a good point. But, I wonder if the Hindu gods offer the same grace as the One I know. Probably not. So, I'll retain the faith in the One I have with all my imperfections. As for the typical American Christian, well, sure there are a few who paint a bad name for the faith itself. Seems like plenty of the TV Christians have had their share; however, one or two may still be decent with a genuine heart.
Who knows? I'll err on the side of caution and just refrain from watching any of them since I do get tired of hearing the same "sow a seed of $$$ and God will bless you."