Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
I am reading that as clever sarcasm Prax and yes that was pretty good.
Some of your colleagues are taking the 1930's rhetoric from Germany (without realizing it) and simply injecting "mexican" and "illegal immigrant" in place of the groups that the germans hated.
What puzzles me is no matter what day it is you people MUST have someone to hate. It appears that you need it like a drug.
There is no day on this site that you people hate nobody.
That's sad. Its probably one of the many reasons (along with profiting from your message) why your ranks are shrinking and it is why you are visualized as offering nothing good and nothing positive and nothing attractive and nothing valuable.
I read it as sarcasm but it wasn't very clever
Where do you see YOU people hating? I didn't hate on anyone nor did I see anyone else hating
It's my experience that "hate" is a cheap and convenient way to attack someone's character without having to present any solid argument. Hate is subjective. I can call you a hater for the way you spoke about "you" people. That's the problem with race baiting and tossing out emotive words like that
Comparing the systematic murder of Jews because they are Jews is hardly comparable with wanting to secure our borders
And even for those that want to deport every illegal immigrant, the comparison is just absurd. Murder vs deportation? Really? Is that the best you can do?
How do YOU people handle illegal immigration? Do you stone them to death? Or is that just adulterers? See I can say you people hate women, they way you people treat them. You are like Nazi's blah blah blah.