some good (in my opinion) quotes on facebook by David Bernard
Holiness is the process of separating ourselves from sin and dedicating ourselves to God.
Holiness is the process of walking by faith, living in the Spirit, letting the Lord progressively transform us by His grace. 6/6/11
Heb 12:14 does not say we must attain absolute perfection to see the Lord, or no one could qualify, but to pursue perfection. 6/3/11
When we fail to follow holiness, we can repent, make things right with those we have wronged, and keep growing into maturity. 6/2/11
We can faithfully speak the truth but learn to speak the truth in love.
Eph 4:15 5/25/11
We can act in a loving way even toward those who attack us, and in doing so we display the holiness of God. Matt 5:43-48 5/24/11
We can treat fellow believers and even unbelievers with integrity, courtesy, and respect without compromising our convictions. 5/23/11
We cannot manufacture our own holiness; instead, we are to be “partakers of His holiness.”
Heb 12:10 5/17/11
Jesus summed up our responsibilities in two commands: love God with our whole being and love fellow humans as ourselves. Matt 22:35-40 5/16/11
We need good relationships both horizontally and vertically: seeking peace with others and seeking God’s holiness in our lives.
Heb 13:14 5/13/11
As Christians we should seek both ethical, harmonious relationships with others and a consecrated, life-changing relationship with God. 5/11/11