do some research on it, we inherited the same adamic nature which caused adam to fall.
LOL research you mean like search early Christianity that did not believe in REformed doctrine. I have all to well researched it.
and no they didnt know what sin was until they ate the fruit, then they possed the knowledge of good and evil.
"GOOD" and EVIL not just evil and that has nothing to do with the view of having a "sin" nature which is one sided. Try again!
They were given One cammandment dont eat the fruit.
The curiousity of eve and adam caused them to sin.
And of course "seeking" knowledge as a device and ignoring God Word as truth of you will die was not a issue as well. As usual the whole is missed for you small scope view.
This same type of curiousity has been passed down from generation to generation.
uh and this helps your argument? They had natural abilities already as part of thei constitution. lol
it this point Adam felt like i dont need to listen to God, i can do what i want. that simplified nature is in us all. and it came from adam. Sinful nature doesnt mean your born with sin, its mean eventually because of your nature you will sin.
uh you really need to study REformed doctrine and get it right first if you are going to use those terms. to many issues and not enough time. Get back in a bit.
Isn't it strange how Apostolics who appear to believe in supernatural principles always regress into logic and the denial of spiritual truths.
You are a human being. You have a body (soma, physical self), soul (psuche, mental self), and spirit (living essence, self). The body is fallen, it has sinful desires. It's the flesh. The soul is used to pleasing the flesh, and thus develops a carnal mind. The spirit is doomed to death, alienation from God, due to Adam's sin.
Upon being born again, the human spirit is united with the Holy Spirit and is then made alive. The soul is renewed through the study of the Word and edifying fellowship. The body will be regenerated, glorified, upon resurrection.
To gain deeper understandings of the sin nature and it's effect, the regeneration of the Spirit, and our sinful nature vs. the fallen nature... read Romans 5-8.
LOL research you mean like search early Christianity that did not believe in REformed doctrine. I have all to well researched it.
and no they didnt know what sin was until they ate the fruit, then they possed the knowledge of good and evil.
"GOOD" and EVIL not just evil and that has nothing to do with the view of having a "sin" nature which is one sided. Try again!
And of course "seeking" knowledge as a device and ignoring God Word as truth of you will die was not a issue as well. As usual the whole is missed for you small scope view.
uh and this helps your argument? They had natural abilities already as part of thei constitution. lol
uh you really need to study REformed doctrine and get it right first if you are going to use those terms. to many issues and not enough time. Get back in a bit.
i really dont think you have studied that much yet well it doesnt appear that way cause your attitude suggest your still on the bottle.
research means from the bible. I didnt bring the word reformed into anything i stated. so i really dont know were your getting that from.
were discussing the Human nature.. what are you discussing?
i really dont think you have studied that much yet well it doesnt appear that way cause your attitude suggest your still on the bottle.
research means from the bible. I didnt bring the word reformed into anything i stated. so i really dont know were your getting that from.
were discussing the Human nature.. what are you discussing?
if I have to explain why I said "reformed" you really need to study.
I am discussing natural law and mans constitution from the beginning. Man has a biological aspect that interacts with mans reasoning and knowledge, which is limited. Because man has curiosity does not mean he has a sin nature. Mans nature was given by God. How to balance emotions and all that man is is very difficult especially in ignorance. Thus man must rely upon God to keep all of God's gifts in balance or they become sin. Man is not born with a "sinful" nature. He is born with a God given nature that can sin because of enviromental weakness to mans ability. Man was given a curse of provision of which he was to strive to survive yet also rely on God. Man by his constitution is predisposed naturally as part of his direct being with the biological and it's need thus is predisposed more directly to it and it's pleasures and pain. That however does not mean we HAVE TO sin. We ingore the body all the time and it's wants. God is a external reality in which we can see righteousness if we hear and do. The cross made it a internal reality in which God is perfecting us a "new man" in which the law is upon the heart vs external. Mans disposition is weak to do not totally incapable.
if I have to explain why I said "reformed" you really need to study.
I am discussing natural law and mans constitution from the beginning. Man has a biological aspect that interacts with mans reasoning and knowledge, which is limited. Because man has curiosity does not mean he has a sin nature. Mans nature was given by God. How to balance emotions and all that man is is very difficult especially in ignorance. Thus man must rely upon God to keep all of God's gifts in balance or they become sin. Man is not born with a "sinful" nature. He is born with a God given nature that can sin because of enviromental weakness to mans ability. Man was given a curse of provision of which he was to strive to survive yet also rely on God. Man by his constitution is presupposed naturally as part of his direct being with the biological and it's need thus is predisposed more directly to it and it's pleasures and pain. That however does not mean we HAVE TO sin. We ingore the body all the time and it's wants. God is a external reality in which we can see righteousness if we hear and do. The cross made it a internal reality in which God is perfecting us a "new man" in which the law is upon the heart vs external. Mans disposition is weak to do not totally incapable.
you need to go back and look up the scripturtes we have been debating over since the beginning of the topic. it will shed light on what we are talking about.
pretty much every one here except for one agrees we are not born with sin, Its done been discussed. considering the other scriptures use we do have a sinful nature. How ever that doesn mean we are born with Sin.
So when some one says reformed. the idea is the original sin doctrine that pops in my mind, which were not really discussing.
Every person in the world will eventually will sin, permitted they grow. The only one who never did was Jesus.
However everyone baby that is born has a sinful nature. that doesnt mean its born with sin, it means the baby at some point in time permitted to grow will sin. you cannot disagree with that statement.