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Old 06-06-2011, 08:07 AM
Sandra79 Sandra79 is offline
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How does one backslide?

I understand u can b backslidden sitting on an Apostolic pew... Its where your heart is. And dont get me wrong I love being in the House of God, but not so much being around the ppl. I love prayer I love the preached Word of God. But once again its being around ppl. How does one stop going to the House of God when thats all they kno? I dunno if its more habit or desire that drives me there on Sundays & Wednesdays but when I get there I feel so out of place and dont feel like I belong... I kno a lot has to deal with past hurts and the fact im not a young person anymore and neither do I have a husband or a family... Im sure id fit better out in the world but have absolutly NO desire for the things that the world has to offer. Can u be saved serving God from ur house... Listening to cds... Sending ur tithes to missions? I kno scripture says u must have a Man of God in ur life but I dont know if I can truely take being hurt by another Man of God or the thought of being kicked outa another church even haunts me...

Last edited by Sandra79; 06-06-2011 at 08:11 AM.
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Old 06-06-2011, 08:41 AM
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Re: How does one backslide?

Church attendance is helpful to maintaining our walk. But its not a sin to setup a home worship situation.

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Old 06-06-2011, 09:20 AM
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Re: How does one backslide?

Sounds like you may be too dependent on a man, instead of Jesus??? Get in the Word, and relationship with the Lord, and allow him to strength you beyond what others think or do.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 06-06-2011, 09:44 AM
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Re: How does one backslide?

Originally Posted by Sandra79 View Post
I understand u can b backslidden sitting on an Apostolic pew... Its where your heart is. And dont get me wrong I love being in the House of God, but not so much being around the ppl. I love prayer I love the preached Word of God. But once again its being around ppl. How does one stop going to the House of God when thats all they kno? I dunno if its more habit or desire that drives me there on Sundays & Wednesdays but when I get there I feel so out of place and dont feel like I belong... I kno a lot has to deal with past hurts and the fact im not a young person anymore and neither do I have a husband or a family... Im sure id fit better out in the world but have absolutly NO desire for the things that the world has to offer. Can u be saved serving God from ur house... Listening to cds... Sending ur tithes to missions? I kno scripture says u must have a Man of God in ur life but I dont know if I can truely take being hurt by another Man of God or the thought of being kicked outa another church even haunts me...
its hard todo when your away from fellowship. Cause Cd's dont pray for you or over you or give a helping hand when you need.

Nor is a tv evangelist when you cant call on some one to talk to.
Tithes is another debate.

Its not impossible, but its not recommended.

im just wondering why do you feel so out of place?
If you believe your in the body and they are as well, you should fit in.

is it because of doctrinal issues or is the way they dress or do they have a dress code that makes you feel so out of place?

I am just curious i am not trying to ridicule you.
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:10 PM
Sandra79 Sandra79 is offline
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Re: How does one backslide?

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
Sounds like you may be too dependent on a man, instead of Jesus??? Get in the Word, and relationship with the Lord, and allow him to strength you beyond what others think or do.
I do believe u must have a preacher in order to b saved... But not so much a church
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:16 PM
Sandra79 Sandra79 is offline
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Question Re: How does one backslide?

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
its hard todo when your away from fellowship. Cause Cd's dont pray for you or over you or give a helping hand when you need.

Nor is a tv evangelist when you cant call on some one to talk to.
Tithes is another debate.

Its not impossible, but its not recommended.

im just wondering why do you feel so out of place?
If you believe your in the body and they are as well, you should fit in.

is it because of doctrinal issues or is the way they dress or do they have a dress code that makes you feel so out of place?

I am just curious i am not trying to ridicule you.
There is no one for me to fellowship... B.c I'm 31 no husband or family... Theres 22 ppl in my church and everyone is either married or under 18... No worries I agree 110% with my Pastors standards... And dont have a hellivision to go to for an evangelist... Just To the point I dont fit in anywhere in this life but maybe in hell
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:21 PM
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Re: How does one backslide?

Originally Posted by Sandra79 View Post
There is no one for me to fellowship... B.c I'm 31 no husband or family... Theres 22 ppl in my church and everyone is either married or under 18... No worries I agree 110% with my Pastors standards... And dont have a hellivision to go to for an evangelist... Just To the point I dont fit in anywhere in this life but maybe in hell
I so sorry to hear that Sis. i truely am.
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:24 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: How does one backslide?

Originally Posted by Sandra79 View Post
There is no one for me to fellowship... B.c I'm 31 no husband or family... Theres 22 ppl in my church and everyone is either married or under 18... No worries I agree 110% with my Pastors standards... And dont have a hellivision to go to for an evangelist... Just To the point I dont fit in anywhere in this life but maybe in hell
This is why I stopped going once I turned 18 -and have barely gone since. Of course unlike you I didn't agree with my pastors "standards" either, but my teen years in the church were some of the worst of my life. I tell people that I'm still a Christian DESPITE the church.
Oh yes, finding a spouse is a good thing. A very good thing. But.... it is NOT a magical elixir that will someone take care of all the spiritual issues in your life.
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:25 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: How does one backslide?

Originally Posted by Sandra79 View Post
I understand u can b backslidden sitting on an Apostolic pew... Its where your heart is. And dont get me wrong I love being in the House of God, but not so much being around the ppl. I love prayer I love the preached Word of God. But once again its being around ppl. How does one stop going to the House of God when thats all they kno? I dunno if its more habit or desire that drives me there on Sundays & Wednesdays but when I get there I feel so out of place and dont feel like I belong... I kno a lot has to deal with past hurts and the fact im not a young person anymore and neither do I have a husband or a family... Im sure id fit better out in the world but have absolutly NO desire for the things that the world has to offer. Can u be saved serving God from ur house... Listening to cds... Sending ur tithes to missions? I kno scripture says u must have a Man of God in ur life but I dont know if I can truely take being hurt by another Man of God or the thought of being kicked outa another church even haunts me...
Of course you can be saved serving God from your home. You might want to research house churching. Many communities have house church networks.

That being said...

I think it's spiritually dangerous not to have any felllowship with other believers or sound teaching. I was really burned by a local church and don't feel safe in a traditional church. I began meeting with "Christians" at a local coffee shop once a week, listening to the radio, and essentially learning what it truly means to be a Christian biblically. Today I attend a church that has over 3,000 members. They meet Sunday afternoons at a very large tabernacle in Centerville Ohio... but it's not your traditional church. It's a network of house churches. They are Reformed in doctrine (I'm one of the few Pentecostals in their midst). But the teaching is VERY deep and VERY sound for the most part. They don't agree with Apostolics on everything... but we're all on a journey.

If you were in ministry, you might want to research house churching and start a house church out of your home. I think there is a thread on house church in the Deep Waters section of this forum.

Today's institutional churches are largely religious franchises. The way to have church is clearly outlined in I Corinthians 14. If you study the book of Acts you'll find that the majority of the time Christians met in homes in small groups. No buildings, salaried clergy, sound systems, blah, blah, blah. That's how Christianity spread so easily. It was like this for nearly 200-300 years. Then the Roman Empire began mandating that Christians attend authorized gatherings in cathedrals.

Not attending a traditional church has nothing to do with backsliding. Backsliding is when you begin to live for self and not Jesus. Frankly, my religious service was all for my self and ego when attending traditional church. Today I'm doing a lot of volunteer work with homeless shelters in the area and focusing on sharing and SHOWING the Christian life to those in my life. Instead of trying to win them to a church... I'm focusing on Jesus. It took a lot of time to detox from traditional religion, ditching the legalism, and discovering what grace is all about. Now I'm victorious and complete in Christ alone.

I'll say a prayer for you after posting this. God bless and keep you and yours.
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:28 PM
Dagwood Dagwood is offline
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Re: How does one backslide?

Originally Posted by Sandra79 View Post
I do believe u must have a preacher in order to b saved... But not so much a church
...not so much a church? I'll go ahead and finish it for you...a church building. The church is a body of believers, anywhere...home, church building, etc where ever you're gathered to call upon God and seek Him for whatever purpose. Where two or three are gathered in His name, He'll be there. I'll go a little further and say this: sometimes He's more involved in some peoples' homes than He is within a building with a (insert church name here) sign out front. Coporate worship is good, but how good it can be is determined by who's in it for the true worship and praise to Him versus those who are there for the sole purpose of being part of a country club setting...regardless of location or environment. So, to tie it into your question on backsliding, I do believe it's important to have a spiritual mentor somewhere in the midst of your connections. Sitting down on the couch with a cup of coffee or whatever can be just as influential, if not more, as one standing behind a pulpit on the platform.
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