Anything which is not like God in every respect is sin. Anything that comes short of the glory of God is sin. Any nature whether human or spiritual that is not exactly like God is sin.Now who is under sin. Everyone, because everyone is born with a human nature and it is lower than the perfect nature of God.
What about the spirit which is the life? That is what is saved, not the flesh which is born into sin. What about the spirit of an infant? Does God give life and is he the sub stainer of life as recorded in the bible? Then if life ends on this earth in the consideration of an infant is it He our Lord that gave this life, and is it he that determines the end of life.
If so then it is He that is the justifies of all things both seen and unseen.
God is God all by himself and shall do as he pleases. Who shall confront Him in any matter or who are we that should question his divine judgement, shouldn't we first judge ourselves before we meddle into the affairs of our Savior.
The living God whom I serve, Jesus the Christ the Lord of Glory has spoken to me in a personal way concerning this matter. This debate over the salvation or sinless nature of an infant is foolish,Jesus loves children, it is adults that train them to become wicked, for children learn from what they see and what they hear in this world around them.
That is why the Lord's word tells us strongly, to bring our children up in the word and in the house of the Lord and they will never depart from it.
Anything which is not like God in every respect is sin. Anything that comes short of the glory of God is sin. Any nature whether human or spiritual that is not exactly like God is sin.!
that is a little off. because, we no the angels in heaven are not like God but there not sin. They dont have the same attributes of God, and some where in the book of Hebrews speaking about the son was made lower than the angels,, also he was not sin.
Being born in flesh doesnt make you a sinner. Its the nature of our minds that make us a sinner.
Sin is the trangression of the law. and nothing more.
God is God all by himself and shall do as he pleases. Who shall confront Him in any matter or who are we that should question his divine judgement, shouldn't we first judge ourselves before we meddle into the affairs of our Savior.
God is God and He can do what He wants, but the thing is He gave us is word and we can see what He wants to do. we are not left in the dark to His overall plans.
The living God whom I serve, Jesus the Christ the Lord of Glory has spoken to me in a personal way concerning this matter. This debate over the salvation or sinless nature of an infant is foolish,Jesus loves children, it is adults that train them to become wicked, for children learn from what they see and what they hear in this world around them.
That is why the Lord's word tells us strongly, to bring our children up in the word and in the house of the Lord and they will never depart from it.
he isnt denying that. the infants we are discussing is the ones that have died. But death passed on through them because of adam. the baby itself hasnt committed any sin just because it was born
Does this mean that babies die only because of what Adam did?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Man dies {naturally} because what He was made of...not because of what Adam did.
nope. man was a everlasting being until they sinned. Death never would have came in. God made man, and God doesnt make man with sin already in it., That would be saying God creates sin.
We die because of the sinful nature we all develop as we grow.
Jesus was made of the same stuff we are.. an d he didnt die because of sin, He chose to die to lay his life down for others sin out of love
nope. man was a everlasting being until they sinned. Death never would have came in. God made man, and God doesnt make man with sin already in it., That would be saying God creates sin.
We die because of the sinful nature we all develop as we grow.
Jesus was made of the same stuff we are.. an d he didnt die because of sin, He chose to die to lay his life down for others sin out of love
If you do some research,Adam was created OUTSIDE of the Garden.He had to be placed INSIDE the garden where the Tree of Life was! Also notice what God said to Adam,to dust you shall return [not because you sinned]but because out of IT you were taken.Adam was made with a limited warranty to begin with
If you do some research,Adam was created OUTSIDE of the Garden.He had to be placed INSIDE the garden where the Tree of Life was! Also notice what God said to Adam,to dust you shall return [not because you sinned]but because out of IT you were taken.Adam was made with a limited warranty to begin with
it doesnt matter were he was created at. Death was not in the world till he sinned. If he never sinned common sense tells you he would never die.
and yes it went back to dust because death passed into the world.
If adam never sinned we all would still be in Genesis chapter 2 and there would be no rest of the book.
so its plain to see that because of adams sin he would die, and from his death he would decay.
your trying to make the scriptures say something that is not there.
it doesnt matter were he was created at. Death was not in the world till he sinned. If he never sinned common sense tells you he would never die.
and yes it went back to dust because death passed into the world.
If adam never sinned we all would still be in Genesis chapter 2 and there would be no rest of the book.
so its plain to see that because of adams sin he would die, and from his death he would decay.
your trying to make the scriptures say something that is not there.
I am pointing out Adam was made of decaying substance to begin with.He was made with NO LIFE in him when He was created,It is right there in your Bible too
I am pointing out Adam was made of decaying substance to begin with.He was made with NO LIFE in him when He was created,It is right there in your Bible too
dust does not decay. the flesh decays back into dust