Re: False Religion...Need some solid advise.
I have just one thing to say, or should I say ask, how in the world do leaders like this get the absolute control over people? Because we have misrepresented passages of Scripture to say what they don't. Jesus set the example as to how leadership is to be conducted in the church. Jesus never set himself up over the people and neither did he teach those he called to set themselves up over the people. One man should never have control over a group or be in a postion to cause other to follow him into false doctrine. On the other hand those that are still with him are not better than blind sheep that don't care as they won't study for themselves the word to see the errors of this mans teaching.
If the church is affiliated with UPCI than the org. can remove him but it will not be easy unless the whole group that is still thier votes him out. If the church is not affiliated and only the pastor carries license there is little the org. can do, other than take his credetials. It seem that those that will hear the voice of God have already taken God's advice and left not much else you can do now.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail