Anybody Notice How Cold This Spring Has Been?
Its amazing how when we have abnormally high temperatures, a mild winter or drought-like conditions its overwhelming evidence that manmade global warming is the culprit. We get these stupid calls for "clean energy" and goofy ideas that we can fuel the world's largest economy with wind mills, solar panels and batteries.
Why are these heralds of manmade global warming strangely silent when the current weather patterns seem to be evidence of the opposite, that things are unusually cooler, or we are getting more moisture than usual, or we have had an extremely cold winter?
And where is the evidence that the melting of the polar ice caps is causing the sea levels to rise?
That's one of the funnier theories out there. Here's a simple experiment: fill a glass full of ice water and leave it. After the ice is all melted---will there be a glass full of water or will the level of water rise and spill out all over the table because of the melted ice? Melting ice doesn't add to the volume of water.
But these "experts" and so-called scientists keep spouting this stuff off as though it is a given fact and the masses swallow it hook line and sinker. The media elites never question it. They give awards to documentaries that supposedly prove what is going on.
Next to Obama's birth certificate, history will reveal that the global warming/climate change paranoia will be the biggest charade of the past 100 years. There will be a lot of people that will certainly get a big laugh out of this one.
(Just kidding about the birth certificate---lol!)
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.