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Old 04-24-2011, 02:49 PM
pkdad pkdad is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 158
Time of The End... part 2

As the apostate theologians from their Greek/Hellenistic
philosophy, and "wise and prudent" humanistic and spirit of
anti-Christ influenced mindset, brought us the resurrected false
Babylonian religion disguised as christian dogma, we have muddled our
way through tossing out their Soteriology, Christology, Pnuematology,
Ecclesiology... but, we like so many good daughters of Rome still
cling to their Hermeneutics, Eschatology and so on.

God has spoken to us in his Book of Books using type, shadow,
allegory as a way to hide truth as his parables did, for this 11th
hour. At this hour, when the light of the prophetic sun is setting in
the west, ( where it is light longer!) we can see "the true" for there is
no more shadow cast upon the "east" for twilight and night is fallen.

With the light of prophesy on top of us as the shadows disappear, we
have to ask ourselves if America was the focal point for a second Pentecost
in 1906, and America and Britain politically pivotal for Israels re-birth as
a nation in 1948, and we are crucial to her safety ( Israel's and NATO) in
2009, where are we in biblical prophesy/historic pattern? Are we both the
fulfillment of prophesy for the true and false Church concerning "seat" of

Revelation 12: 1-2 "And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a
woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her
head a crown of twelve stars; 2: And she being with child cried,
travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered."

While many interpret this woman as Israel, according to this "type and
pattern" ( "The thing that hath been shall be... etc..") appeared
with another wonder in heaven, "a great red dragon, having seven heads and
ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads." vs 9...
names the dragon as Satan, but the Woman is not specifically named. But her
anti-type is!
And in progressive "typing" she can be seen throughout scripture and
historical 'type'

Rev 17:5 she has a name written "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
Spirit of all False Religions which began in Heaven as the deception
Satan used to deceive Heaven's Angels. As the serpent, ("nacash")
whisperer of incantations, Satan again using Eve, succeeds in
temporarily stealing Adams dominion and authority. While the promised seed
of Christ would come from Eve, the satanic spirit of luciferian lies and'
false religion' does also.

Now pre-supposing The Woman of Rev 12 is the Church in Old and New
testament, can we see America portrayed as the great eagle with two
wings to her place prepared in the wilderness as the Church which also
holds in her... Israel's future?... grafting back in according to
Rev 12 14-17? This portrays her after the man-child is birthed and gone
up to the throne.

In 1906 we see the serpent would be more wroth at this great
revival of spirit filled gentiles that could "be led to all truth and
understanding," and preach the true Gospel to the remnant (Israel) of
her seed.( Jewish scholars will never accept "three persons") This
would be the last nail in his' lake of fire' coffin, for he knows his
time is short and if he can destroy the remnant, he can delay his
demise further. ( has he done so in the past?)

Satan also hates the Woman's seed as to the Gentile church and
when the Azusa street revival broke out, the dragon sent a flood after
this seed also. The newspapers of the nation began to be the dragon's
mouthpiece... "speaking blasphemy" that this outpouring of the Holy
Ghost was "devilish gibberish, race mixing, howling and bizarre behaviors.."

This flood of negative press and center stage news was swallowed up 4 days
later when the earth opened up her tectonic plates of the San Andreas fault,
and the 1906 Great San Franciscan Earthquake which was prophesied of, stole
the limelight. The revival continued for many years and sparked the
Apostolic movement and the Holy Ghost shed abroad in the hearts of born
again believers.
( Ecclesiastes 1:9)

The Forerunner Tandem Pattern

Isaiah 28:9 " For precept must be upon precept, precept upon
precept; line upon line, line upon line here a little and there a

So looking at Joseph as a type of the 11th hour ministry of the
Church, can we see pattern in precept upon precept? Joseph was hated
of his brethren for his spiritual 'giftings' and his father's favor
towards him over his brethren.

His name meant {Jehovah is adding} so his Name , which was the only name of
all the sons of Jacob to have the name of Jehovah attached to it, gives us a
type of Joseph being
persecuted for "His Names' sake."

Because the Holy Ghost revealed Jesus Name baptism to those of
the second Pentecost of 1906, and the Oneness of God, they were called
heretics and a cult.

Like Joseph, while a servant in the house of Potipher, he was tempted by
the "Jezebel" wife of the householder, and as he fled from her lustful sins,
so does the church seek
separation from the tide of immorality sweeping America and the world.

Also, Joseph's enslavement became worse because he refused Potifer's
wife's sexual advances and as the American and western 'influenced' culture
devolves further
and further, the Apostolic Church looks more and more 'foolish" to the
world, which includes denominational Christendom.

Joseph was the forerunner to Moses who would deliver Israel out of
the hands of the new Pharaoh, who knew not Joseph.( Anti-Christ) Moses shows
us that
ministry in type, heralding the second coming of Jesus Christ. Israel
returns to the promised land through the deliverance of Moses/Jesus.
We can see Joseph as a forerunner to Moses, also in type of John the baptist
Jesus, as Joseph paved the way for Moses who, like Jesus, was in peril
of being killed by the King (spirit of anti-Christ) Moses became the son of
Pharaoh's daughter and was of humble birth, but robed in royalty like

Moses could also have shared in earthly rule but fled to the
wilderness for 40 years... this typed against the back drop of Jesus
tempted of Satan after fasting 40 days in his wilderness.

Then we see Moses leading his people through experience after
experience that are pictures in pattern and type and shadow, of Christ
and his plan of salvation.

So if we are in the 11th hour of the Church Age, then our message
concerning new birth and victory in the Holy Ghost must also concern
reconciliation and "restitution of all things, especially that which
is prophesied regarding Israel as the "fullness of the gentiles" comes
in at the preaching of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The prophets Elijah and Elisha are another tandem type of a
Joseph/Moses and John/Jesus ministry. Elijah is an 11th Hour type and
shadow because we can see he faced the same obstacles as did Joseph
without the picture of the 12 tribes as such, but more so in a
prophet/preacher picture. Like Joseph, Elijah faced Jezebel herself,
who we face as the MYSTERY BABYLON ( same spirit) Joseph ran from
Potiphers wife as Elijah ran from Jezebel and hid under the Juniper
tree in his "prison" until God strengthened and delivered him.

Elijah's most prominent likeness to the 11th hour Church of course
is that before the Elisha/Jesus ministry could appear, ( Elisha thru Jehu
destroyed Jezebel)
up to Heaven! Again the Elisha/Jesus points to THE SECOND COMING!

Right after Elijah is caught up and leaves his mantle for Elisha, in
2 Kings 1, we see Gods stamp in his divine numbers showing us the 11th
hour in both our time and the first Pentecost. 50 sons of the prophets
were present to witness Elijah's' rapture and Elisha s' finishing with
double portion the prophesy of Elijah, as to Jezebel's destruction.

Which we also see the stamp of '42' of the anti-Christ when the 42
children were torn of the two bears ( two beasts with feet of a bear)
right after the Prophet Elijah (11th Hour ministry church) is caught
up, 2 Kings 2:24. This is beyond coincidence and it has been before us
all the time but revelation light shines from above when it is being
fulfilled, and that is why we can see it in this Hour! So is the 42
years from 1906 to 1948... the time of power the beast had?

The two beasts of Revelation, who tare the 42 children represents
Rev 17:16 where God causes the 'ten horns' of the beast, to hate the
Whore, and those people which she 'sitteth upon' who were not 'lovers of
the truth and believed a lie'.

So we have seen; Joseph vs Potiphers wife ( Potipher means; contempt)
Elijah vs Jezebel, John vs Herodius and the 11th Hour Church vs MYSTERY

Precept upon precept upon precept! We see also in 1906 the Zionist
movement 'officially' began to create a Jewish State in Palestine and
WW1 and WW2 were all about the dragon trying to destroy the Olive
tree, Israel/Church and not the Geo-political issues history records.

In 1906, beginning in a small Church with an African-American pastor,
in a former stable in Los Angeles California, believers were filled with the
Baptism of The Holy Ghost, and repentance unto life was granted to them and
heaven was rejoicing!

WW1 began in 1914 and ended in 1918, 12 years from 1906 Adolf Hitler
took official power in 1933, and in the spirit of anti-Christ, attempted to
destroy the Jewish race with the "Final Solution," and would then turn
on the church had he become victorious, as history now confirms... he
practiced satanic worship and had
deep involvement in the occult of MYSTERY BABYLON.

Apostolic revival of the 11th Hour ministry has now birthed many
organizations. In 1948, Israel was born again as a nation as was the
Apostolic Church in America, (not exclusively UPC) and she would become her protector as anti-Semitic prejudices and all racial and cultural strongholds begin to be thrown down by the Spirit of God, once again living inside the
hearts of those who are called by his NAME! If they will obey 2 Chronicles 7:14

Last edited by pkdad; 04-24-2011 at 02:54 PM.
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