Originally Posted by jfrog
I'm a sinner and I walked by a few while at the beach a few years ago. The only reason they were there is because there was a big graduation was taking place nearby. Anyways, I was totally turned off by them and what they were doing.
Turned off
And what turns people on at the beech?
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
I bet Jonah was afraid of "turning people off"
At 4 on Friday, I made arrangements for a woman to get baptised. She is crippled. I won her daughter to the Lord very late on Friday. Her grandson was saved 2 months ago. It is the Lords will and the Lords honor. All this little circle have been prayed for and dealt with before the harvest workers come along. We aren't into big gubment and cookie cutter apologetics. I had lunch with a man on Saturday that is 85 years old and started a new church 2 years ago. It is up to 60 saints. He is evangelizing at a University.
He ihas such a kind spirit. Some of the old men are bitter and mean. God doesn't use those.