Originally Posted by jfrog
Nah, that's what conservative Christians want...
They main issue that signitices the liberal movement is how they treat people. They claim to do good works and help.
Explain why your people have doubled the number of poor and doubled the number of undmployed and promised the same the opposite?
ATLANTA -Black unemployment rose again this past month, while the overall job rate declined to 8.8. percent, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.
The report indicates black unemployment surged to 15.5 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The previous rate was 15.3 percent, which was down from January’s 15.7 percent. The rate had been 15.8 percent in December and 16 percent in November. The highest rate, since President Obama took office, was 16.3 percent in August.
Conservitives want this trend to stop. Central planning causes this. You drink too much koolaid.
yesterday's September labor market report was lousy by any measure, with 263,000 lost jobs and the jobless rate climbing to 9.8%. But for one group of Americans it was especially awful: the least skilled, especially young workers. Washington will deny the reality, and the media won't make the connection, but one reason for these job losses is the rising minimum wage.
Earlier this year, economist David Neumark of the University of California, Irvine, wrote on these pages that the 70-cent-an-hour increase in the minimum wage would cost some 300,000 jobs. Sure enough, the mandated increase to $7.25 took effect in July, and right on cue the August and September jobless numbers confirm the rapid disappearance of jobs for teenagers.
Libs hurt the jobs for teens. We all know that libs don't care for the bottom of the workforce.
The September teen unemployment rate hit 25.9%, (2009)
Hardest hit of all: black male teens, whose unemployment rate shot up to a catastrophic 50.4%
No wonder do gooders hate conservativers. We read the numbers.
Democrats are bad news for poor people. But they promise there are programs coming to fix everything.
Why does a dem Congress and Dem whitehouse not solve the problem instead of making it worse?
"PROGRESSIVES" are bad news. But they not only don't take responsibility, they teach people not to take responsibility and find a target to blame.