Re: Does Dan Seagraves Believe in the LIght Doctri
Okay here goes. Last night in bible study some of us got together to ask if bible college was for me. And this is one of my fears. The bible says in spirit and in truth. If this light doctrine chages your mind about the gospel that Jesus preached and peter. If this looms in your mind to the point it lessen the grace of God for a person. Then why believe what you preach. This meaning the apostoles died in vain. And so did Jesus
we are in the last data brethren please don't be decieved. Other doctrines are popping up left and right. Even though I never met bro. Seagraves I don't think you should ask this on a forum. Ask him in person. And mr. Thadus I have heard you preach along time ago. Listen very close to me little brother. Don't you stop! Andstop listening to other peoples. Opinion...but be humble and open. And pray. Be easy with the Ramah of Lord. And also the Logos. We do not exist to bring up old things in the past to whom ever made that remark about thadus. Would Jesus say that? What would Jesus say? If you are not a pastor of someones soul...why throw rocks? Jesus spoke about casting the. First stone. If you do throw one stone I know the second one gets easier. And easier. Sorry I am not hear to cast judgement but the bible says to love one another. So let it go. Love you my brothers. Aloha from Pentecostals of Maui. Bro. Paul Holmes
Last edited by paulholmesjr; 02-04-2011 at 03:54 PM.