The mad one certainly wouldn't be me, but it appears I needed to go to extreme to help you understand what I was saying. I ran out of options. You were either completely disregarding what I said, or ignoring me, or you weren't reading, or something. I couldn't have been more clear yet you just kept saying that I said something that I didn't say.
There is no question that obesity is primarily caused by overeating. But for you to look at a heavy person and automatically assume they overeat is foolish and you're doing the same thing that you're accusing me of. You're judging.
Have you ever been prescribed prednisone because of a serious illness? It can cause extreme weight gain. Have you ever had diabetes so bad that it spirals out of control and causes extreme weight gain? Have you ever heard of the chemical malfunction in the brain that continually sends signals to the stomach that says it's extremely hungry?
Thyroid problems, which are rare, aren't the only thing that causes weight gain.
No, my friend, I heard you. Problem is, you didn't hear me, and still don't. I've got health problems that give me every excuse in the World to EAT myself to death. But that's not the point.
The point is, most obese people in Church EAT TOO MUCH, and it has nothing to do with a health problem. It's a discipline problem. It's just like smoking; it's a discipline problem when you don't say, ENOUGH, NO MORE. Did you watch the Video? Obesity is the #1 Health Epidemic in this Country, and Apostolics are included.
So, about those who DO overeat? Does your Church endorse and teach moderation when eating? Do they set the "Standard" regarding this Health Epidemic? Or, do they cover their fat arms with long sleeves, lost in the World of inner Religious tolerance? Our pounding Pulpits talk about Holiness, condemning those who wear shorts or makeup, while we’re dying inside from a poor diet. You talk about imbalance!! This is pure hypocrisy!
Like I said, I’ve have learned how wrong I’ve been. God loves people, whether they wear shorts, cut their hair, smoke cigarettes, and believe in the Trinity. They can be fat, skinny, poor, weak, and be of a totally different Faith than me; God loves them. God loves us when we are confused and when we don’t dress modestly, and His love can reach far beyond the boundaries of my little Faith that I think is the right one.
Just like coffee plays a vital role in our lives (a considered addiction), even the use of Tobacco has its place. Tobacco can calm the nerves of a man, and many in combat used tobacco to help them when dealing with the dramatics of War. These men fought to the death to give us Liberty, coming home with a nicotine habit. Then we preach to them that they are lost if they smoke, not considering we were in our Lazyboy while they were picking up their buddies brains on some island in the Pacific.
If we don’t “Stand Back”, we will carry on with “Fools Gold” in our Faith. I believe perspective and experience is everything when seeking the Truth. The Cross was way too radical, and Jesus didn't die for my little idea of what I think is right.
Let's get back to the shorts issue.
Once you state that shorts are ok, then it becomes a matter of how short is ok.
You don't want daisy dukes showing up at your youth service.
We have had them in churches that I have attended, but only on the visitors.
There are times and places for appropriate dress.
The world we live in wants us, especially girls/women, to dress in a provocative manner.
We have a dress code at work, that is enforced by the staff.
No "short" shorts, halter tops, baggy pants, or other inappropriate dress is permitted.
I do not see the "dress code" at church as much different.
I love the whole "the military and corporate America have dress codes, therefore the Kingdom of God should" mentality.
I love the whole "the military and corporate America have dress codes, therefore the Kingdom of God should" mentality.
Some things are just common sense.
Which is not too common anymore.
Of course, I believe it is common sense not to get too excited if your church is ok with no dress code.
Or a different one than mine.
No one is exempt from human tendancies so in that sense, I'll agree that both sides say things they shouldn't. But from what I've seen, when a person from the traditional apostolic heritage expresses that a person isn't right with God because of their lack of holding true to The Message, they're called mean. I don't see that as mean, I just see that as expressing truth. But when I express my thoughts here I"m mocked and made fun of, called crazy, a baby, laughed at. That's personal and I don't see the traditional apostolics getting personal at least in my exprience.
Would you consider this statement mean? "Your opinion means about as much to me as a 1/2 tsp of calf slobber!" And I happen to really like the guy that said that to me.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
bro its the old "your sin is worse than my sin" routine.
it stinks.
all sin is bad. it is nonsense and it does disservice to the kingdom of God for supposedly Godly people to make such an insipid argument.
of course gluttony is a sin. But when the subject is something other than gluttony, it is ridiculous to pull that out like its the trump card.
Ferd, but I think it's always used because those who are scrutinizing others for what they call sins, usually exemplify such obvious inconsistency that it deserves pointing out.
And the whole "temple of the Holy Ghost" argument breaks down when it comes to our bodies being maintained in a healthy way.
I believe more things are sin than we usually admit, and I believe we all sin too much -- but that God is saving us continually from these idols in our life (sanctification) and one day he will finally save us (glorification).
Ferd, but I think it's always used because those who are scrutinizing others for what they call sins, usually exemplify such obvious inconsistency that it deserves pointing out.
And the whole "temple of the Holy Ghost" argument breaks down when it comes to our bodies being maintained in a healthy way.
I believe more things are sin than we usually admit, and I believe we all sin too much -- but that God is saving us continually from these idols in our life (sanctification) and one day he will finally save us (glorification).
fine. have a discussion about it.
but it rings hollow when this one gets pulled out during other discussions.
the "oh yea, you say lip gloss is bad? well gluttony is a sin and pentecostals are fat!"
at best it is intelectually uninteresting.
You will not find me justifying sin. gluttony is sin.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!