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01-06-2010, 12:40 PM
but made himself of no reputation
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Originally Posted by Edward Anglin
"It's all just a game."
Years passed, and I didn't see or hear from the fallen minister at all. You know how it works. Over time, he was forgotten. Written off. It was as if he had fallen off the face of the earth. Not even worthy of discussion unless someone was preaching a "Trophies of Hell" message.
And as fifteen years have flown by, I've watched the guys who viciously maligned this man follow the same road he travelled.
The reasons they walked away were varied, but all who left spoke with one voice. "It's just a game!"
And now I have been around long enough to understand what they meant.
When a man is serious about his relationship with God, and is passionate about knowing Truth, he searches everything out, questioning everything he's been taught with the goal of defending, strengthening and teaching that which he has been given.
Along the way, in Oneness Pentecostalism, he is apt to find numerous inconsistencies and hypocricies. This is the case in most every religion, and I understand well that we are not alone in duplicity.
However, at a certain age, men start to realize that there is probably less life ahead of them than behind them. The scale of life starts to tip, and eternity comes into full view. At this point, Truth becomes paramount, and ministries are reconfigured to reveal "necessary things" with no regard for fluff.
When this sort of rebirth occurs, one can find oneself on the outside looking in, a pariah to those with whom he found comfort and sanctuary in times past. At this point, he is confronted with a harsh reality. He is forced to prove what he values most - friendships, or Truth.
If he is honest with himself and God, and relinquishes doctrines of men, he will lose everything familiar. If he squelches inner truth, he will survive in his organization, and maintain acceptance within his social circle - at the expense of a good conscience.
And all the while he struggles inwardly, he is confronted with published doctrines that many trumpet, but few live by. He is faced with the glaring inconsistencies of decades-old standards that are loosely maintained through peer pressure and legalistic control. He begins to realize that his life is more about presentation than relationship, conformity than Truth and acceptance than Christ-following.
At this point, he realizes that this way can become a game, the goal of which is to restrain oneself, swallowing all of the inconsistencies and denying much of what you have discovered in the Word that turns previously held beliefs on their head.
All to maintain peace with, and respect amongst, peers.
In my experience of what some would refer to as "walking away" (certainly from the majority style/approach), I have come to view a particular fundamental premise in the membership of God's anointed body; to compare oneself with another is to be VOID of wisdom....yet this vain pursuit is almost quintessential within the carnal mind's ambition.
The "gaming" is just one more word to express the human politic that is so woven in the fabric of all man-clubs. Clubs are very worthwhile support systems but they make very poor gods.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]

01-06-2010, 12:55 PM
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Originally Posted by tbpew
In my experience of what some would refer to as "walking away" (certainly from the majority style/approach), I have come to view a particular fundamental premise in the membership of God's anointed body; to compare oneself with another is to be VOID of wisdom....yet this vain pursuit is almost quintessential within the carnal mind's ambition.
The "gaming" is just one more word to express the human politic that is so woven in the fabric of all man-clubs. Clubs are very worthwhile support systems but they make very poor gods.
Wise words!
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln

01-06-2010, 05:26 PM
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Originally Posted by Edward Anglin
Good point.
Realizing this makes one a bit more tolerant, and a lot less apt to pronounce judgement too quickly.
In my youth, I was very legalistic. I wouldn't even let my infant daughter wear pants or shorts at home. I felt like that was an inconsistency I couldn't live with. In my mind, if pants were an abomination, age and geography shouldn't matter.
While I still believe consistency is important, I now have the benefit of years of hindsight. In short, I was truly ignorant.
It wasn't just that I expected my own family to live that way - I judged others, who didn't live like us - very harshly.
During that time, two ministers tried to help me see how faulty my theology and logic was. I rejected their efforts and wrote them off. I was sure they were soft on the message.
Look at me now. While I live much the same way, my view of God, and my attude, have changed dramatically.
I was a jerk to them. I was wrong. But there is nothing they could have done to help me because I was convinced of my "rightness." Only the gentle passage of time, combined with the love of a merciful and forgiving God, could change me.
I see so many young men zealously defending traditions they know nothing of, and it makes me cringe. I see myself in them, and I want to help.
But I have found that most are unwilling to receive what I have to say. They will have to learn the same way so many of us learned - through time, study and spiritual enlightenment.
Just chiming in with the rest, but these are powerful thoughts that you are presenting. I admire the courage that you have, and have had, in challenging the status quo and expecting that proclaimed "truth" should be able to handle discussion and scrutiny. I know without a doubt that there have been lonely moments on your journey, I for one, thank you for taking it.

01-06-2010, 05:28 PM
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Originally Posted by dizzyde
Just chiming in with the rest, but these are powerful thoughts that you are presenting. I admire the courage that you have, and have had, in challenging the status quo and expecting that proclaimed "truth" should be able to handle discussion and scrutiny. I know without a doubt that there have been lonely moments on your journey, I for one, thank you for taking it.
I, for two...

02-05-2011, 06:42 PM
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Originally Posted by EA
"It's all just a game."
That's what a preacher told me, fifteen years ago, immediately after turning in his license with the UPC, and walking away from Oneness Pentecostalism for good.
At the time I thought he must just be bitter over something, and that maybe he was looking to justify a desire to "go Charismatic." After all, why would someone just up and walk away, after being raised in this his whole life, pastoring for decades, and raising his kids in this way? It just didn't seem right, and I was sure he was just plain bitter and backslidden.
Over time, I watched him sever all ties with this way, walking away from every friend and association he previously held dear. It bothered me. After all, if a seasoned minister was succeptible to this sort of radical change, could I fall prey to the pull of gradualism, as well?
As a twenty-something, I listened as my contemporaries spoke of him with contempt.
To my knowledge, not one of them had ever spoken with him about his decision, what led him to leave, and why he considered this way a game. Still, I listened to them, and assumed their assessment must be right.
Years passed, and I didn't see or hear from the fallen minister at all. You know how it works. Over time, he was forgotten. Written off. It was as if he had fallen off the face of the earth. Not even worthy of discussion unless someone was preaching a "Trophies of Hell" message.
And as fifteen years have flown by, I've watched the guys who viciously maligned this man follow the same road he travelled.
The reasons they walked away were varied, but all who left spoke with one voice. "It's just a game!"
And now I have been around long enough to understand what they meant.
When a man is serious about his relationship with God, and is passionate about knowing Truth, he searches everything out, questioning everything he's been taught with the goal of defending, strengthening and teaching that which he has been given.
Along the way, in Oneness Pentecostalism, he is apt to find numerous inconsistencies and hypocricies. This is the case in most every religion, and I understand well that we are not alone in duplicity.
However, at a certain age, men start to realize that there is probably less life ahead of them than behind them. The scale of life starts to tip, and eternity comes into full view. At this point, Truth becomes paramount, and ministries are reconfigured to reveal "necessary things" with no regard for fluff.
When this sort of rebirth occurs, one can find oneself on the outside looking in, a pariah to those with whom he found comfort and sanctuary in times past. At this point, he is confronted with a harsh reality. He is forced to prove what he values most - friendships, or Truth.
If he is honest with himself and God, and relinquishes doctrines of men, he will lose everything familiar. If he squelches inner truth, he will survive in his organization, and maintain acceptance within his social circle - at the expense of a good conscience.
And all the while he struggles inwardly, he is confronted with published doctrines that many trumpet, but few live by. He is faced with the glaring inconsistencies of decades-old standards that are loosely maintained through peer pressure and legalistic control. He begins to realize that his life is more about presentation than relationship, conformity than Truth and acceptance than Christ-following.
At this point, he realizes that this way can become a game, the goal of which is to restrain oneself, swallowing all of the inconsistencies and denying much of what you have discovered in the Word that turns previously held beliefs on their head.
All to maintain peace with, and respect amongst, peers.
Originally Posted by EA
I think that's a good way to put it.
Sadly, some Christians are mortally wounded in nonsensical culture wars, never living to realize that they could've served God without the fight.
Some, like Saul of Tarsus, are so busy fighting a "righteous" war, believing they are protecting the things of God. Imagine their disgust when they eventually realize - after wasted years - that all of their religious zeal is misplaced, and that they've spent a lifetime FIGHTING truth, instead of fighting FOR truth.
When that realization hits home, it's demoralizing. That's why so many wind up leaving sound doctrine, as well as unbiblical standards. They expended an entire youth fighting for both elements, and cannot separate one from the other.
This topic has been on my mind lately.
I'm (sic) not cynical, I just haven't been around long enough to be Jedi mind-tricked by politics as usual. Alas, maybe in a few years I'll be beaten back into the herd. tstew

02-05-2011, 07:30 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
These posts are very good. A good lesson, follow Jesus not man, put your trust totally in Him and what he said, for you know not what tomarrow may bring.
I have seen at lot of this kind of stuff in my life time and it is a sad situation for everyone. And for someone who is spiritual to make light of someone who has been through this is to put themselves in a dangerous place with the Lord.
Gal.6:1 Brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault, you which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Verse 2, Bear you one another burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
Wish people would pratice this more, from my experiences if you are not there for three sundays in a row no one evens looks at the card you filled out and gives you a call to see if everything is ok.
I think having been through the things of life myself similar to those things posted here, it has made me more compassionate toward those who are label as cast aways. I love them and so does Jesus my Lord..

02-05-2011, 07:43 PM
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Good post friend.

02-05-2011, 07:57 PM
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Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Originally Posted by Charnock
This topic has been on my mind lately.
I missed this the first time around. I'm glad you bumped it. Good stuff.
His banner over me is LOVE....  My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently.  Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear

02-05-2011, 08:07 PM
Tired of it.
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,645
Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Inspiring and thought provoking thread. I think I missed it before as well.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson

02-05-2011, 10:31 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 2,351
Re: >>>"It's All Just a Game."
Originally Posted by EA
"It's all just a game."
That's what a preacher told me, fifteen years ago, immediately after turning in his license with the UPC, and walking away from Oneness Pentecostalism for good.
At the time I thought he must just be bitter over something, and that maybe he was looking to justify a desire to "go Charismatic." After all, why would someone just up and walk away, after being raised in this his whole life, pastoring for decades, and raising his kids in this way? It just didn't seem right, and I was sure he was just plain bitter and backslidden.
Over time, I watched him sever all ties with this way, walking away from every friend and association he previously held dear. It bothered me. After all, if a seasoned minister was succeptible to this sort of radical change, could I fall prey to the pull of gradualism, as well?
As a twenty-something, I listened as my contemporaries spoke of him with contempt.
To my knowledge, not one of them had ever spoken with him about his decision, what led him to leave, and why he considered this way a game. Still, I listened to them, and assumed their assessment must be right.
Years passed, and I didn't see or hear from the fallen minister at all. You know how it works. Over time, he was forgotten. Written off. It was as if he had fallen off the face of the earth. Not even worthy of discussion unless someone was preaching a "Trophies of Hell" message.
And as fifteen years have flown by, I've watched the guys who viciously maligned this man follow the same road he travelled.
The reasons they walked away were varied, but all who left spoke with one voice. "It's just a game!"
And now I have been around long enough to understand what they meant.
When a man is serious about his relationship with God, and is passionate about knowing Truth, he searches everything out, questioning everything he's been taught with the goal of defending, strengthening and teaching that which he has been given.
Along the way, in Oneness Pentecostalism, he is apt to find numerous inconsistencies and hypocricies. This is the case in most every religion, and I understand well that we are not alone in duplicity.
However, at a certain age, men start to realize that there is probably less life ahead of them than behind them. The scale of life starts to tip, and eternity comes into full view. At this point, Truth becomes paramount, and ministries are reconfigured to reveal "necessary things" with no regard for fluff.
When this sort of rebirth occurs, one can find oneself on the outside looking in, a pariah to those with whom he found comfort and sanctuary in times past. At this point, he is confronted with a harsh reality. He is forced to prove what he values most - friendships, or Truth.
If he is honest with himself and God, and relinquishes doctrines of men, he will lose everything familiar. If he squelches inner truth, he will survive in his organization, and maintain acceptance within his social circle - at the expense of a good conscience.
And all the while he struggles inwardly, he is confronted with published doctrines that many trumpet, but few live by. He is faced with the glaring inconsistencies of decades-old standards that are loosely maintained through peer pressure and legalistic control. He begins to realize that his life is more about presentation than relationship, conformity than Truth and acceptance than Christ-following.
At this point, he realizes that this way can become a game, the goal of which is to restrain oneself, swallowing all of the inconsistencies and denying much of what you have discovered in the Word that turns previously held beliefs on their head.
All to maintain peace with, and respect amongst, peers.
Excellent post!!!
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