Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Coon on their 10th year as the Pastor to some of the most blessed people under the sun. Truly the blessing is that of the parishners, far more that a blessing to their Bishop.
Yes, I know that God has tested and stretched you all in every possible way for the past ten years. You have stood the test. You have proven faithful, trustworthy and determined in the struggle for the cause of God in the place that the cloud-by-day has led you to camp. God's approval rests upon you all.
Ten reprents "all." You have given your all. God is preparing to enlarge the increase both naturally and spiritually. Do not listen for the loud, always present "uncertain" sound. But rather, listen to the ever present still small voice that speaks ever so softly within the midst of the clamour of voices.
I will continue to pray that my friends, whom I've never met, will continue to prove to be everything that God has trusted them to be.