I addressed this already to Azzan. I may have a close friend who is, or at least certainly was. I also have close friends who are both fornicators and adulters, though not currently in an adulterous relationship.
God opens doors, I don't think I have ever pre-detrmined to go and tell someone they needed to get right. The doors have always opened so that I could say what was needed to say in the context of love, while still being blunt about their sin and need for repentance. And as I said, I have not lost any of theri friendships ove the years.
I explain that there are certaiin lifestyles and sins that if one continously adheres to will keep them from entering the Kingdom of God, and normally will mention
1 Corinthians 6. I also mention that I've been involved in many sins listed in that passage, and point out the "some WERE such as you" and talk about redemption. I do this NEVER in a self rightous or condemning manner, but more as a warning and appeal in love.
By asking God's help. Many times they feel like they cannot break the chain, and sometimes they flat don't want to. When I spoke to my friend about his adultery, he told me "adultery is not ALWAYS wrong, it is okay in some situations-he don't treat her right, and I do."
Sometimes the response is a very outright rejection, and sometimes a consideration of the things I am telling them. But the remedy is the only remedy that can be given, just
surrender to God in repetnace.
Depends on the rejection. They can and have ranged from questions, which we discussed, to post modern relativism, to outright self justification. In any case like I said, friendships have remained intact, and all know where I stand, so I guess whatever the situation, I can say I don't have blood on my hands I have given the warning.
Rarely do they accept the message as far as an outright repenting, being baptized, etc. I don't handle it any differently than the heterosexual sinners I witness to who don't accept it. I just keep sowing the seed, I leave it to God to give the increase, and I always attempt to speak the truth in love. I NEVER give an ultimatum-If you don't repent we can no longer be friends. I never seek to break the relationship, and the only way I would ever do so, is if they suggested that they could be a Christian and remain in a sin such as homosexuality, adultery, fornication. So long as they are aware of their need for God, even if they don't seem to be responding to that need, it is my responsibility to be an ambassador of Christ to them.
The same way I handle any conversion, suggest a personal Bible study on the basics of the faith, and encourage faithful church attendance. I can't change the heart, I don't try to. I believe when someone truly repents God changes their heart, and changes their desires. Not to say they may not battle, expecially as a new convert, but God will help them. Though I really believe that God can and does completely take the desire out of their heart. I have another very close friend who was hooked on meth and done some very deplorable things, who completely surrendered to God in his jail cell and God completely 100% changed him. I was present with this gentelman after he got out of county in his first interview, with tattoos on his arms, and face, and a record that is beyond is years, he was asked "why should I hire you, how do you know you've overcome you addiction? He said "Because I'm a new creation in Christ, Jesus has taken all the desires for that stuff away from me, it doesn't even appeal to me." That's what Christ can do, thats the gospel. Not a band aid on a sinner, and a self help positive thinking emergent/relevant goobly gook. But a true life. It is the POWER of God unto salvation. And that man who glorified Christ in his interview was hired, and within less than three months has already been pomoted and received a pay increase, and not to mention is on fire for God and testifies to everyone he gets a chance of the grace of God.