Of course there are alternatives. We could just outlaw all drugs, of every kind, making the possession of any among punishable with a mandatorily 25 year sentence. A second offence would then be a capital crime. Then we can sit back and measure the results of our effort. But then we will start looking for exceptions, according to our personal need. And, some people require a large number of different drugs just to continue living.
So, where does one draw the line? After all, for thousands of people, taking too many aspirins can result in their (internal) bleeding to death. That is why aspirin ads are required to plainly state that one should “consult a physician before starting an aspirin regimen”. Shell we then send aspirin pushers to jail for a mandatorily 10 years? Or, let’s send an underage drinker to prison for 10 years. Better yet, also send the parents of an underage drinker to prison for 20 years! Remember, the sentences are to be mandatory.
Or, we can start to use some common sense, and has already been pointed out, and come up with laws that actually fit the crime. Driving while under any ‘known’ mind/body altering substance carries one sentence. Causing physical and/or property damage another class of sentences, causing the loss of body parts (arms, eyes, etc.) another class and the causing the loss of life, another class.
While I have difficulty with implementing some of God’s instructions in righteousness (e.g.
Deu. 21:18-21; there are no recorded instances in Hebrew history where this law was ever implemented), perhaps going back to the historical roots of our modern-day legal system, the Bible, we might find a suitable approach to our drug and other runaway social problems.
Okay, we could, but we won’t. It's too much of an effort and it will cost too much money. It is easer to just pass another law.