Originally Posted by Sheltiedad
I'm looking for a really active home improvement forum... I find that the reason I keep coming back here is because of all the activity more so than my identifying with most of the posters... if I can find another forum that has lots of activity and still holds some interest for me, I will try to migrate over. I reached the end of the internet a long time ago, and now I just find places to hang out.
Have you tried these?
http://www.diychatroom.com/ This one appears pretty active, based on the number of members viewing the forums.
http://www.houserepairtalk.com/ This one looks a little slower paced, but has some interesting titles on threads.
http://forum.doityourself.com/ This one looks very active also.
http://forum.onthehouse.com/ Not very active, but looks nice.
http://www.homeimprovementforums.com/ Looks like a work in progress to me....
I'm not trying to run you off from here, just thought I'd see what I could find since you're looking for something specific.

Hope you see one that you like.