When studying Hebrew and Greek,and the scholars of these languages disagree how do we know what absolute truth is ?
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
We take the definiton that supports our doctrines and pitch the rest ;-)
Yes we do,and how do we really find the truth wheter it suits our pet notions or not ?
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
When studying Hebrew and Greek,and the scholars of these languages disagree how do we know what absolute truth is ?
Gimme an example.
One source of "disagreement" has been over time. Greek and Hebrew studies in the West all but died out after the fall of Rome. So as time went on, more and more was learned and "discovered" about these ancient languages. The KJV translators were notoriously lacking in their Hebrew abilities.
That's why they carried so many (not really that many, but more than a few) over from the "previous translations" which they had "diligently revised and compared."
In time, even more Hebrew and Greek works became more available - especially after the invention of the and spread of the printing press. Scholarship and understanding of these languages increased and continues to make more gains today.
And language (any language) is keyed rather intimately with the speaker's customs and his/her understanding of their world. Also, the use of colloquialisms and figures of speech will make any translation work more difficult and open up even more opportunities for disagreement.
Then, of course, you also have your ideologues who will tell you that a certain passage means whatever they want it to mean just because "that's what it means!"
No, you were going to say, "Many people just insert their own opinions like a kid sticking a fork into a wall socket..."
I knew that because I have a keyboard logger installed on your system, but I'm having problems with your Visa number. Can you PM that, the expiration date and the CVV code to me?
Like for example EIS as in Acts.2:38 some stuff says it means because of,some stuff says it means in order to obtain.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
When studying Hebrew and Greek,and the scholars of these languages disagree how do we know what absolute truth is ?
I know many might disagree with me, but here's what I believe... in such a case as this we can't really "know" what the absolute truth is.
So what should we do?
I believe we make a conscious choice to believe in the position that upholds our understanding of God's nature and brings the greatest glory to his name. We do this in "faith".
If something appears to be contrary to our understanding of God's power and nature it has to be rejected. If it brings reproach or doesn't prove to bring the greatest glory to his name it has to be rejected.
Then we must commit our selves and our faith to the Lord; trusting that he will judge our hearts righteously in that our position was to bring our utmost for his highest.
No, you were going to say, "Many people just insert their own opinions like a kid sticking a fork into a wall socket..."
I knew that because I have a keyboard logger installed on your system, but I'm having problems with your Visa number. Can you PM that, the expiration date and the CVV code to me?
Oh, you can work out the bugs, can'tcha? Patience!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty