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Old 10-17-2008, 06:38 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Diff. Treatment by TV Hosts for Obama and McCain

This is no surprise

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Old 10-17-2008, 10:33 PM
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Re: Diff. Treatment by TV Hosts for Obama and McCa

No surprise of the bogus accusation of victimization.

8 years of power (6 of which there is a Republican in the WH with a Republican dominated House and Senate) , they pass sweeping legislation that erode our rights, their "first response" help to dead and dying Americans after Hurricane Katrina is embarrassing, they run up the national deficit into the TRILLIONS, they almost bring the country to a grinding financial halt but the REPUBLICANS are the victims now!

And WHERE is Bin Laden?????

Two different talk show hosts.
Two different styles.
Sen. McCain and Letterman have issues that stem from Sen. McCain (accidental or intentional) snubbing of Letterman earlier in the year.

Sen. McCain is not the victim-- never has been, never will be!

The "victim" role does not suit Sen. McCain well. He realizes it's not his style.

I wish the rest of the "Right" realized it.
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Old 10-17-2008, 10:49 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Re: Diff. Treatment by TV Hosts for Obama and McCa

Who said anything about victimization here? I posted it as FYI. I didn't write the article.

This thread was started merely to post some of the comments between Jay Leno and Joe Biden and Dave Letterman and John McCain...
Pray for America!
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Old 10-17-2008, 11:01 PM
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Re: Diff. Treatment by TV Hosts for Obama and McCa

Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Who said anything about victimization here? I posted it as FYI. I didn't write the article.

This thread was started merely to post some of the comments between Jay Leno and Joe Biden and Dave Letterman and John McCain...

I read the article and the impression I got was that FOX was trying to say that while Sen. McCain was given a hard way to go with his line of questioning, Sen. Biden was given an easier line of questioning.

Why would FOX make try to make that case? Because they believe that this is yet another example of the "MSM" or Main Stream Media treating Sen. McCain unfairly.

I've read stuff on the web and have heard things on FOX over the last month or so that confirms to me that they are convinced that Sen. McCain is somehow the victim of the MSM.

In reality, if Sen. McCain wins or loses, it will be on his own merits.

The article you ref'd lends one to think otherwise.

It was NOT an attack on you as a poster, it was MY response to what I see as the Grand Ol' Party of the self righteous and wealthy's attempt to play the victim card.

DISCLAIMER: Not every Republican is self righteous or wealthy.
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