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Old 02-27-2008, 08:05 AM

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Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more than

just a dream?

Now most of the time I have dreams that are just that they are dreams but sometimes I have dreams that I feel means something. Like one time I dreamed of a train wreck and in my sleep I was talking and I said "There will be a train accident. The train will leave the tracks." My husband told me when I woke up, what I said in my sleep. About 3 hours later there was a train accident in our little town and the first few cars of the train left the tracks and went down a slight embankment.

This is the dream I had last night.

This morning, when I woke up I remembered the dream, and felt strongly that it means something -that God is trying to tell me something. And even now I have been awake 4 hours, dressed and fed baby, saw hubby off to work, answered e-mails, and still it feels that God is trying to tell me something and I am just not getting it.

I dreamed that I was at a church and there were not a lot of people there but I knew there was a man behind me and all during the service I kept turning around to look at this man. He was about 6 ft. tall and clean shaven and had on a dark suit with a white shirt but no tie. He had dark hair that was about 2 inches long neatly parted on the left side. He probably weighed about 190 pounds.

When the service was over I went to him to introduce myself and to apoligize for watching him so much, but before I could say anything

he said "you got the wrong person"
I said "I don't think so, God has already told me you are the one"
He said "I am not a Christian"
I said "yes you are, you are just trying to cover it up and you need to uncover it, and get busy, cause God needs you, now."

I don't have any idea what that means but if I ever see that man I will recognize him. I can still see him in my mind.

So do you believe that God uses dreams?
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Old 02-27-2008, 08:19 AM
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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

I do believe God uses dreams.

I don't believe every crazy, scary or even somewhat sensible dream is from the Lord... but if you have a dream or message from the Lord you'll know it's from Him, and He'll make it clear in time what it means.
This has been my experience at least.

I had a dream about two weeks ago, a very short, very vivid one. I shared it with my husband and he agreed with me that it was more than a dream. I still am not certain the full meaning but it has increased my prayer time.

Sometimes if God gives you something, others will confirm it. Sometimes it's meant to be something you hang onto for later... Like Mary..

Luke 2:19
But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart
Mrs. LPW

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Old 02-27-2008, 08:32 AM

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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

Thank you.

Perhaps it is just because it was so vivid but I actually feel an ungency about it.
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Old 02-27-2008, 08:37 AM
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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

Originally Posted by Adra View Post
Thank you.

Perhaps it is just because it was so vivid but I actually feel an ungency about it.
I understand that. I'd spend some more time in prayer and see what God does. Who knows.. maybe this man is a real person who will cross your path... maybe it's symbolic... maybe there's a interpreter of dreams on this forum
Mrs. LPW

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Old 02-27-2008, 09:01 AM
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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

I agree dreams can be from the Lord. Sometimes we have to pray to know for sure that this is a message from God.

My first thought is the man may be a backslider. But that is without praying over the dream.

I did get an answer about dreams this weekend I had always pondered. Many times I have had dreams that deal with something happening in the bathroom. Sometimes talking to someone in the restroom, or finding the door locked to a bathroom etc....

A friend of mine has a similiar dream recently and her sister prayed and received the interpretation to that being the bathroom represents something very private. It made sense to me after she said that and now I can look back and understand my dreams better.

After saying that I will also say for some people different things mean different things in their own dreams. For instance some people dream of water and they say for "them" it represents revivial, others say it represents tragedgy to them.
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Old 02-27-2008, 09:08 AM
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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW View Post
Sometimes if God gives you something, others will confirm it. Sometimes it's meant to be something you hang onto for later...
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Old 02-27-2008, 10:12 AM
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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

Originally Posted by Adra View Post
just a dream?

This is the dream I had last night.

This morning, when I woke up I remembered the dream, and felt strongly that it means something -that God is trying to tell me something. And even now I have been awake 4 hours, dressed and fed baby, saw hubby off to work, answered e-mails, and still it feels that God is trying to tell me something and I am just not getting it.

I dreamed that I was at a church and there were not a lot of people there but I knew there was a man behind me and all during the service I kept turning around to look at this man. He was about 6 ft. tall and clean shaven and had on a dark suit with a white shirt but no tie. He had dark hair that was about 2 inches long neatly parted on the left side. He probably weighed about 190 pounds.

When the service was over I went to him to introduce myself and to apoligize for watching him so much, but before I could say anything

he said "you got the wrong person"
I said "I don't think so, God has already told me you are the one"
He said "I am not a Christian"
I said "yes you are, you are just trying to cover it up and you need to uncover it, and get busy, cause God needs you, now."

I don't have any idea what that means but if I ever see that man I will recognize him. I can still see him in my mind.

So do you believe that God uses dreams?

I'm not an interpreter of dreams but, it has been my experience (if you can call it that) that if I dream "sticks" with you- if you feel a sense of urgency, then it is something the Lord is speaking to you. Dreams, like the Book of Revelations, are symbolic. One thing represents something else. And this is important- EVERYTHING, the slightest detail, has meaning.

When a person has a dream, like your train wreck, I believe that is the Lord providing validity to your dreams- to prove that He does, indeed, speak by way of dream. I had a dream early in my Christian walk of a jet plane sitting in waist deep water with tall grass growing out of the water. I estimated about 200 people also standing in the water looking at the plane. A few days later, a passenger jet crashed into the Everglades, killing all on board (about 180).
Now- your dream-

In church- ministry. This shows this is a work of God. A ministry to one the Lord is calling.

Not a lot of people- Remember what Jesus said it Mat 9:37 The harvest truly [is] plenteous, but the labourers [are] few; Many have lost the burden of reaching the Lost.

Man behind you, you "turned around" to see him- Looking back to the past. Someone from your past needs the Lord. Maybe not from your "past" but maybe a "past experience" you had. Did God call you out of denominationalism? False teaching? Maybe at one time you were "cold" in the Lord (lingering back), but you moved "forward" Perhaps this man needs to move closer to the Lord. Whatever it is, it has to do with a "past experience" (something behind you)

"Height, hair length, weight- Tall, able to see far- a man of vision... influenced by traditional "holiness standards", but not to the extreme... a little overweight...a little "spiritually lazy", Clean shaven- Honest, true blue, nothing to hide.

The man was dressed impeccably... almost- Suit, well groomed, but no tie. He's almost ready to "move forward", but not quite.

Wrong man- He feels unworthy. Maybe "backslid" or cold or lukewarm. I thought of Amos the Prophet- I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit...And the LORD took me.... Amo 7:14 God doesn't call us because we are worthy, He calls us because He sees the abilities or talents to do what He calls us to do.

"I'm not a Christian"- Again, unworthy, undeserving of the name :Chritian" A man of integrity, honesty and humility, the makings of a good pastor or minister. Aware of his own shortcomings (no tie), and of his lack of prepardness.

Yes you are,God is showing you this man has potential, with or without shortcomings. He's close to the place where God can use him, needs to move up closer to the Lord, finish getting dressed "spiritually". you are just trying to cover it up and you need to uncover it Has his "light hidden" (Hides his wisdom, knowledge of the Word). and get busy Slacking in prayer and church fellowship, has the ability and talents to be used of God- cause God needs you God NEEDS Him in the ministry. NOW. The time is short. He is needed in the ministry NOW.

Come to think of it, as I wrote this, it describes me to a T.

I forgot the hair color- Dark. Serious, thinker, not a big joker, smart, ( Thats not me!)

One more thing... the YOU in the dream, may not necessarily be YOU personally. What I mean is the "YOU" in the dream may be the "YOU" as a member of the Body of Christ. "YOU" represent the Body of Christ. "When one members rejoices, all members rejoice".

I one time dreamed of doing a certain thing that was impossible, both logistically and financially, for me to do. I always felt bad that I could not do what I "saw" me do. But- it wasn't for me to do, personally. It was something for someone in the Body of Christ to do, I represented that person, because he and I are both in the Body of Christ. The dream was fulfilled. Someone else did what Isaw being done in the dream.
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Old 02-27-2008, 11:02 AM

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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

As I have prayed this morning over this, some things have been shown to me and some of it, One Accord, is almost the same things you wrote. Yes God really did call me from a cold and athiestic life. and now my son is an atheist. While the person in my dreams did not look like my son I felt a bond with this man. My son has a vice presidents position and most of the time he wears dress clothes with out a tie. He would make a wonderful worker for God because he has a caring and loving personality. He has leadership qualities and he knows how to inspire those that look to him for guidance.

I have tried to get in touch with him this morning and I can not find him. I am not going to preach, cause I remember how I was and that is a way to push peope away. All I want to do is just let him know I love him.

Thanks for your responses. Please keep praying.
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Old 02-27-2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

The problem with dream interpretation (what little I know about it) is that the symbolism in the dream may mean one thing to me (based on my experience) but may mean something entirely different to the one who had the dream. Kinda like those silly old ink blot tests. I "see" one thing, you "see" something else. The Book of Revelations has various interpretations, many based on a persons teaching or experience.

This could be your son, but don't focus on that, out of the hope that it is your son. I pray that you can reach him for the Lord, but in this dream, the person is "in" church. A little further from where God wants him, but, he is "in" church. At least thats what I "see".
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

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Old 02-27-2008, 11:34 AM

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Re: Do you believe that sometimes dreams is more t

You're right, and I am still praying, if God is leading me to someone I want to be ready to see what He wants me to do.
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