I have pondering lately about how we struggle in Apostolic churches to be authentic. I know I have been guilty of putting on my "perfect" mask when I'm at church and acting like I have it all only get home and struggle with pride, anger and many other issues.
Truth is, I don't know anyone that doesn't have struggles and sin in their life, yet we still feel the need to cover that up in God's house. Authenticity starts in the pulpit. We need leaders that will confess their sins to the church and help others realize that were not perfect, and the best of us make mistakes. The Pharisee's had this issue of believing they were perfect by obeying the laws. We can't allow ourselves to coast any longer pretending we have it all together.
Authenticity will be one of the biggest factors in reaching our world. People already label Christians as hypocrites and we usually earn thag title. People want to know that you can still follow Jesus and not be perfect and have it all together. Lord knows I'm far from it, so why should I pretend?
Wednesday morning thoughts....