Originally Posted by rgcraig
I don't know what to say, but I know what to ask......so what is the deal with hose for you.
You said when they go out or to town you expect them to look nice and wear hose. Last time I checked fishing holes were pretty well in the woods, so who's looking and why on earth would you expect her to wear HOSE?
I bet she spends a bundle on hose - - can't imagine walking through the grass/woods fishing and not getting a snag or two.
I didn't ask her to wear hose. We weren't married and would not have been talking about such things. We were fishing on a pier and there were o lot of other people.
My mama (grandmother that raised me)always wore hose and she (not ME) believe it a sin to be in public without hose on. When she was 80 and nearly dead, she would ask my wife to put her knee high on (her dresses were long enough that no one knew they were knee highs) before we took her to the doctor.
My mother is not in church but would never wear a dress and not wear hose.
I am old school and don't think that a lady is completely dressed without hose. I don't care what the style of the world is.
PS my wife ask me not to be in public with sandals on, she think it looks bad.