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Old 02-18-2011, 04:25 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Under Walker's plan, most public workers - excluding police, firefighters and state troopers - would have to pay half of their pension costs and at least 12 percent of their health-care costs. They would lose bargaining rights for anything other than pay. Walker, who took office last month, says the emergency measure would save $300 million over the next two years to help close a $3.6 billion budget gap.


I believe that the article posted by Twisp, mentioned a gap of 121 million.
Try 3.6 billion.
I am SURE they can find another way to deal with this if they would negotiate with each other.

The problem here is that the Republican Governor wants to make a name for himself as a Governor that took on the Union and won!

The Union is not going to give in without putting up a fight-- I don't blame them.
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Old 02-18-2011, 04:55 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

Really, is this such a bad thing?

“We demand that the provisions that completely eliminate the ability of workers… to negotiate on a fair basis with their employers be removed from the budget repair bill and any other future budget,” Miller said.

They are fighting for the right to be able to negotiate with their employers.

The Republican Governor wants to take this right away, permanently.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/02/17/aw...#ixzz1ELzz4h7m
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Old 02-18-2011, 04:57 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

NO they are not fighting for the right to negotiate. they are holding the state hostage.

they used the power of the union to rob the states treasury and now they are fighting to keep that power.

it needs to be stopped. they need to be stopped and thank GOD there is a governor up there willing to STOP THESE UNION THUGS
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Old 02-18-2011, 05:02 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
NO they are not fighting for the right to negotiate. they are holding the state hostage.

they used the power of the union to rob the states treasury and now they are fighting to keep that power.

it needs to be stopped. they need to be stopped and thank GOD there is a governor up there willing to STOP THESE UNION THUGS

So would you like to respond in a manner that is not so emotional, but more sensible?

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Old 02-18-2011, 05:03 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Really, is this such a bad thing?

“We demand that the provisions that completely eliminate the ability of workers… to negotiate on a fair basis with their employers be removed from the budget repair bill and any other future budget,” Miller said.

They are fighting for the right to be able to negotiate with their employers.

The Republican Governor wants to take this right away, permanently.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/02/17/aw...#ixzz1ELzz4h7m

This is what they are fighting for.

What's wrong with this right to negotiate with your employer?
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 02-18-2011 at 05:09 PM.
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Old 02-18-2011, 07:01 PM
NorCal NorCal is offline
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."

Public unions are the down fall of the American Society. They should be limited on what they can negotiate for. They are public servants taking public money. They should really not have a say in what they are paid, or benefits received.

Unions should only be there to guard the employees from unfair business practices, and not to advance their own political agenda.

Things like being Tenure, Pay + Full Health benefiter, and other such things not offered to Private Employees should not be part of a basic package.

This bill is not taking away their collective bargaining for pay, just for benefits.
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Old 02-18-2011, 08:13 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
This is what they are fighting for.

What's wrong with this right to negotiate with your employer?
JD - Do you possibly think the Governor is doing what the voters who voted him in want him to do?
I could go on forever about Unions and their inner workings.
If you have read some of my posts, you know that I have more knowledge about the inside working of unions, then probably anyone on here.
But, let's also look at why this Governor wants to change the dynamics.
Government unions are not like those in private companies. They exist at the pleasure of legislation that allows them.
Also, the employee unions have only themselves to blame for this.
Whenever you become totally linked to one political party, you set yourself at odds with the other one.
With these unions supporting Democrats, solely, this should have been an expected result.
On top of the fact that they are far more highly compensated than similar workers in the private sector.
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Old 02-18-2011, 09:00 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

Originally Posted by Seascapes View Post
You never know what people will do when they get into office, they get power hungry. They might have voted this character in, but I bet they will think about this when they go to the polls next time. No they will not have to lay off any workers if they will tax the wealthiest in Wisconsin or raise the sales tax. Of course they want to lay off workers just to blame the democrats, but the republicans are in power there and they will be blamed.

I believe the post by Twisp, says it all. You should read it carefully and see the real TRUTH about the governor of Wisconsin.
It's not just the Governor, Im not sure where you got that. But one reason we vote people in is to take care of our economy.

Most people don't want higher taxes especially if it's to benefit a minority who are already well paid and get good benefits.

You can tax the wealthiest in Wisconsin...and I doubt there are that many considered wealthy in Wisconsin, and it would not solve the financial problem

As for sales tax..who would vote themselves a sales tax? Do you live there? They tried that here in California and we voted down a sales tax..

Do you know how much the Union's are spending on against this bill? 40 Million dollars. Tax the stinking unions. They don't care if a teacher get's laid off. That teacher will collect un-employment and continue to pay Union dues.

Every year Unions spend MILLIONS of dollars on advertisement campaigns to manipulate the minds of voters and on politicians, mostly Democrats. It's a racket.

We go through the same stuff here in Ca. They want to tax everyone to pay teachers who can't be fired no matter how terrible they are. Most of the money never reaches school kids...it goes to the salaries of the teachers.

Every year they tell us our kids deserve it, but our test scores stink
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Old 02-18-2011, 09:29 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

If Walker is doing this to make his party more popular as some on here are claiming, he is doing a poor job of that.
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Old 02-18-2011, 09:40 PM
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Re: Missing Wisconsin Democrats

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