Originally Posted by James Griffin
Hey Dan,
Just saw this thread, interesting topic.
Does seem to present a God's law vs Man's law quandary. IF a pastor truly believes sins can ONLY be remitted by water baptism, and the only thing between that 17 year old's soul being in a state readiness for heaven or hell is a non-believing parent's permission what is their moral obligation??
As to legal liability two quick thoughts. If you baptize without permission and anything happens (physically) as a result God help you.
If the only issue is parent's rights--- The Christian Law Association states emphatically don't do it without parent's written permission. I actually sent them an email just now requesting their legal theory. I can imagine a few scenarios where the right facts and the right court could render against a church, HOWEVER as has been pointed out even unsuccessful lawsuits can be costly.
On the other hand if (or perhaps when) going to church becomes illegal which law will you follow?
You have succinctly and effectively stated what I believe the dilemma is here ... thank you for your input. Please post the CLA's legal theory if they get back to you. I think this thread is important for all pastor's to consider.