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Old 10-30-2007, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by big-larry View Post

The issue is : How many prayers does it take to get God's attention?
Answer: ONE. "The effectual fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much". When you (or I ) become that effectually, fervantly praying and righteous man, then maybe we will have all the answers. Until then, I suppose we will just have to let God , in His infinite wisdom, be in control of every situation.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 10-30-2007, 04:26 PM
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Why did Sis Urshan die? She probably had a million or more people praying for her.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Let me relate some closer home. Our family.

In 1926, my paternal grandmother was dying of typhoid fever.

The doctor told her husband that she was dying and showed him

the bluish color on her feet and legs. My dad, eight years old, stood

nearby and heard these words. Before she lapsed into a coma, my

grandmother prayed these words, "LORD, if You would see fit, let me

live to raise my three children". Around four o'clock the next evening

she awoke, her fever had broken and she would live. Not only would

she live to raise her own three children, but she lived to see our first

grandson born. He is twenty four years old, and a licensed young

minister of the gospel. Five generations followed her.

If Grandma Blakey had not read the Bible over and over as a devout

Methodist, she might not have had the faith to believe He could and

would heal her. If Grandma, as a young 20 wife, and mother to be, had

not read her Bible and prayed that if her child was a son, that the LORD

would make him a minister of the gospel, things would possibly have been

a lot different in our family today. She changed the course of history for

our family. I have gone into my living room and looked into the faces of

my grandmother and parents and with thankfulness, with tears, thanked

them for my godly heritage. What we are today is not what we have done

but choices those who went before us made for us. We have the choice to

not carry on what was bought and given to us by those who paid a price

to bring it to us. It started with Jesus Christ. His apostles and on down

from generation to generation. What have or what will the generation that

has been given to us!!!



What I meant to say was, "What have or what will we leave for a

legecy to those generations that have been given to us". We like

those who preceded us, have a choice. We get to choose.

We were given a goodly heritage. We will pass on a legecy!

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Old 10-30-2007, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
What I meant to say was, "What have or what will we leave for a

legecy to those generations that have been given to us". We like

those who preceded us, have a choice. We get to choose.

We were given a goodly heritage. We will pass on a legecy!

You have such a gift of faith and you have always been such an encourager to those around you. Thank you for sharing what you've written on this thread and many others on this forum.

You are a cherished woman of God who is highly esteemed and loved.

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
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Old 10-30-2007, 06:31 PM
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Why did Sis Urshan die? She probably had a million or more people praying for her.

Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
You have such a gift of faith and you have always been such an encourager to those around you. Thank you for sharing what you've written on this thread and many others on this forum.

You are a cherished woman of God who is highly esteemed and loved.
Thank you, Bro. Chosenbyone, for your kind words.

You are loved and appreciated!


Mom C
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Old 10-30-2007, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by big-larry View Post
Well, Bro ,
What about Ps 103:3, Where David said that the LORD healeth ALL diseases?

What about the other more than one thousand other promises about God healing us?
Salvation is healing. When a person gives his/her heart to Jesus and enters the family of God, he/she receives a salvation that includes spirit, soul, and body. The spirit which was dead to God receives eternal life and there is a bond formed between the human spirit and God's Spirit (my understanding of 1 Cor 6:17). The soul (mind, will, emotions) also receives healing, but often this healing takes place over time as we are transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom 12:1-2). Our bodies do not receive their full healing/salvation until the resurrection when we take on immortality and incorruption and our body of humiliation becomes like His glorious body (1 Cor 15:51-54 and Phil 3:20-21), but, God in His mercy grants us physical healing from time to time (like little previews of what is to come). However, we need to remember that any physical healing received in this life is only temporary.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 10-30-2007, 09:32 PM
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Originally Posted by big-larry View Post
I'm sorry, this thread is not at all going where I had intended to go with it.

We've all prayed for things and about things that didn't come to pass. Since God has made promises and He cannot lie, there has to be answers somewhere as to why those prayers did happen like we thought they would.
This is an article from a several years ago. It is about answered

A long time ago I heard that God always answers prayer. Some times the answer is yes, some times it is no, and some times it is wait a while. This article breaks it down even more.


Whatever the answer, your best interest is always in mind.

Luis Palau

Over the years, I've discovered from Scripture and experience that God loves to answer our prayers. Here are five of his most frequent answers:


The Lord of the universe isn't under obligation to say "yes" to every prayer. That's a good thing, considering some of the things we request!

But sometimes God says "no" to our most heartfelt requests. Have you discovered this to be true in your own life? I certainly have. When my friend Diane started losing her hearing. When my mother-in-law came down with polio. When my nephew contracted aids.

I would be known as Luis Palau Jr. if it weren't for the fact that God said "no" to my most earnest childhood prayers. Shortly after my tenth birthday, my father, Luis Palau Sr., contracted bronchial pneumonia and died ten days later. Death became, to me, the most undeniable reality under heaven. Everything else can be rationalized and wondered about and discussed, but death is there, staring you in the face. It happens. Even to the most godly people. No matter how hard we pray. Why Because we still live in a fallen world. ...Without a doubt, the death of my father has had more impact on my ministry than anything else in my entire life besides my own conversion to Jesus Christ. My wish and desire is that people get right with God, settle the big question, and die knowing-like my father -that they will be with Jesus, “which is better by far” (Phil. 1:23).

Does that mean we shouldn't bother to pray? Just the opposite. Over the years, traveling throughout the world, I've discovered four other ways God frequently answers prayer. Believe me, he loves to say "yes!"


Immediate answers to prayer: You want them. I want them. But God simply does not always work that way. And to get His best, we must be patient. In some cases, we must wait until the stroke of midnight for His answer to come.

Phil Callaway didn't know what to say when his young children asked if Mommy was going to die. His wife, Ramona, suffered horrible seizures. Hundreds of friends and relatives prayed, but Ramona's weight eventually slipped to 90 pounds. Medical specialists tried everything, but by the fall of 1996, the seizures were occurring daily, sometimes hourly. Phil rarely left Ramona's side. He wondered if she would even make it to her 30th birthday. One evening, when things looked utterly hopeless, Phil paced their dark back yard, then fell to his knees. "God!" he cried out. "I can't take it anymore. Please do something!" Suddenly a doctor's name came to mind. Phil called the doctor, who saw Ramona the next morning and diagnosed a rare chemical deficiency. Within a week, Ramona's seizures ended. Her eyes sparkled again. The miracle was so incredible Phil says, "God gave me back my wife."

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7).


Have you ever asked God to use you? If so, expect the unexpected!

National Football League running back Sherman Smith, the "Sherman Tank," stood six feet four inches tall and packed 225 pounds of the most solid muscle you'd ever want to tackle. His reputation for bowling over defensive linemen raised his celebrity to near-cult status in the Pacific Northwest, where he played for the Seattle Seahawks. Then, without warning, the Seahawks traded their most popular player to the San Diego Chargers. Everything changed overnight for this running back, whose Christian faith was as rock solid as his abs. He wasn't with the Chargers for more than a few weeks when he seriously injured his knee. While in rehabilitation, he wondered, Lord, why did you ship me to San Diego? But while his knee mended, Sherman had the opportunity to lead one of his teammates to the Lord. That converted party-guy, Miles McPherson, has since become an outstanding youth evangelist who reaches tens of thousands of people each year.

Why was Sherman traded to San Diego? God wanted to use him, all right!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" (Prov. 3:5-6).


Ever wonder if the Lord really knows what you want and need?

Australian David Smallbone felt God leading him to promote Christian concerts in his homeland where only 5 percent of the people believed in Christ. When too few fans filled seats during one major tour, however, David took a $250,000 bath in red ink. Creditors repossessed his home, and the father of six looked for work elsewhere. A top artist offered him a job in Nashville, so the Smallbones sold their furniture and other possessions and purchased tickets to the United States. A few weeks after they arrived, however, David was informed that his position was "no longer available." He literally could not get out of bed for several days. When he and his wife explained to their children what happened, they all got on their knees and asked God to help them.

Interesting things began to happen. God provided bags of groceries, a minivan, and odd jobs. Then the biggest surprise of all a recording contract for David's oldest daughter, Rebecca, age 15. She recorded her first album using an old family name, St. James.

Flash forward to today. David promotes his own daughter's sold-out concerts. Rebecca St. James has become one of the hottest Christian artists in America. Christianity Today magazine has named her one of the top 50 up-and-coming evangelical leaders under age 40. We love asking her to sing at our evangelistic festivals around the country.

All along -no surprise- God knew what he was doing!

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jer. 29:11).


Many people think prayer is complicated. Actually, the simplest prayer can bring you the miracle you need, when you need it.

After a serious fall, an older gentleman named Luke Mulder prayed to receive Jesus Christ. He then prayed for his wife, Clara, who was visiting her sister in California. That very same day Clara heard a gospel presentation and trusted Christ.

Christian cartoonist Ron Wheeler dreamed of creating evangelistic tracts, but he needed a new computer. He found out what he needed and started to pray. Two weeks later, a friend called Ron out of the blue and offered him a new computer -the exact model Ron had been praying about. Shortly after setting up the computer, Ron received a phone call from American Tract Society asking him to design a whole series of evangelistic cartoon tracts.

My friends Esteban and Carmela Tosoni were driving one of the highest mountain passes in the world when their car broke down. They were 20 miles from the nearest town. The Tosoni family prayed for God to send help. When they opened their eyes, a mechanic appeared out of nowhere, asked if he could help, fixed their gas filter, then departed.

Coincidences? Hardly!
"The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective" (Jas. 5:16).

A Christian Reader original article.
Copyright © 2001 by the author or Christianity Today, Inc./Christian Reader magazine.
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Old 10-30-2007, 09:33 PM
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Why did Sis Urshan die? She probably had a million or more people praying for her.

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post

Grandma passed on 21 days before her 87th birthday.

She would be 107 yrs. tomorrow, Oct. 31.


I am having to do another correction as one of my SHARP

siblings brought it to my attention that Grandma Blakey would

have been 110 yrs old tomorrow instead of 107. I was counting

from the year she died (1984) instead of the age she would have

been if she had not died 21 days before her 87th birthday.

NOW, why go to all the trouble to correct something that doesn't

mean a thing to most. It is to make an important point. If everytime

we find a mistake or an untruth, if we take the time to correct it,

after a while we will have more truth than error. And to me that is

very important. Thanks, elder brother of mine!


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Old 10-30-2007, 10:24 PM
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When this forum and hundreds of other people all over the world were praying for Walt last year after his aneurism ruptured, God spoke to my heart and I learned soooo many things.

The biggest thing I learned tho was this. One day I was asking God to please spare Walt's life. Please leave him with us until our boys are grown and raised. God didn't speak to me at that point and say that that was His plan. No. God spoke to me and said to me, "I am God. If I heal Walt and raise Him up, you will say that I am good and that I am a god who answers prayer. But if my plan is to choose to bring Walt home to myself, will you still worship Me and say that I am God? That I am a good God? That I am a god who answers prayers?"

I had to search my heart deeper than I've ever searched in my life to be able to answer this question truthfully and honestly. Trust me, this was NOT an easy conclusion to come to. But I can honestly tell you now that while I am grateful for every single day that we have Walt still with us, if God had chosen to take him from us for a time last summer, I could still stand before you and tell you from the depth of my being "GOD IS GOOD!! GOD ANSWERS PRAYER".

One of the scriptures that I read during this time that helped me to be able to humbly kneel before God and know that I could say this and mean it was in Job. Remember when God speaks to Job and says, "Did YOU create the stars? Were YOU there when I spoke the earth into existance? Did I ever ask for YOUR help in forming the world you live in?" (not an exact quote )

I read that and knew that whatever happens, GOD has a plan. Perhaps God's plan is for healing. Perhaps His plan is for the ultimate healing, which is death to our lives here, but waking up to a new life in Heaven.

I apologize for the length of this post.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 10-30-2007, 11:07 PM
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Why did Sis Urshan die? She probably had a million or more people praying for her.

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word.

"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that you can boldly
say, The LORD is my Helper...".

Just to rest upon His promise, just to know thus saith the LORD.

"My grace is sufficient, for my strength is made perfect in weakness".

Just to know thus saith the LORD.

As I mentioned in another post, my grandmother would have been

110 yrs. old tomorrow. She and Pa never lost a child as long as they

lived. My dad, their son, and my late mother who would be 93 yrs and my

late father who would be 89, respectfully. also never lost a child as

long as they lived. My nine siblings (we lost our first sibling last month)

and their spouses have never lost a child to death to date. My husband

and I have lost two children to death. Counting from my paternal grand-

parents, through my parents and siblings, that is a total of over 110 yrs.

and todate we are the only ones who have lost children to death. Have I

ever wondered why. Of course I have, but after the death of our five and

a half year old daughter in 1970, I told God if He would give me peace of

mind, one day at a time, I would not question, but I would trust, although

I might never understand. That was a wise decision on my part. He helped

me come to that place in Him. I so desperately needed the peace of mind

that only HE could give. Today I trust Him, regardless of what comes my

way because His Word IS true. His grace IS sufficient. And I know that

He will be my Guide, even unto death. His Word tells me so.

We don't choose these things that come our way. Others in our family

have had tragedies and health issues and broken homes, their trials have

been different from ours, but it is the same GOD who brings us though

and He is a Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father,

and The Prince of Peace. He will be whatever we need Him to be.

He's my Comfort, when I'm weary,
He's my Shelter, from the storm.
He my Armour, when in battle, and
in the cold...He keeps me warm.


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Old 10-31-2007, 12:13 AM
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The Orthodox call it "falling asleep in the Lord" which is beautiful.

As a Christian, it is a passage to what we have been preparing for, isn't it? Really, shouldn't the sadness be for those who remain alive rather than the Christian who has gone on?

God is good!

May my life be a daily example of the redeeming power and the love of God
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