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Old 10-17-2007, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Oh sorry - you mean YOUR BRAND OF TRUTH!!!!!!!! I just keep forgetting that it has to be in YOUR POOL in YOUR LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!
Joel Osteen is doing an incredible job of bringing life, hope and help to millions. It is so easy to criticize from ................the cheap seats. You might be too high up in the bleachers to see the real action on the field!!! Some have lost sight of reality!!!!!!!!
Bishop, I think that Joel deserves all the aclaim he gets. He seems like he is just as real in person as he does on tv. As you stated he has taken a large step from running the tv ministry to leading the whole shabang. I am with you AB, Joel is doing great. I also agree that Joseph is twisting some stuff around. I agree there is only one truth, Joseph is right there. But Joe you got the cart before the horse I think. You are saying that Joel has no backbone. It takes alot of backbone to stand up there and preach what you believe when not everyone else agrees. Joel is going with what he knows. You are doing to same. The difference is he is lifting people by telling them they have a backbone to stand tough in a tough world, but you are saying that the only leg that people have to stand on is the leg the Apostolic preachers tell them they have.

AB you hit the nail on the head when you said," Our brand on Christianity has alienated millions of people by our approach and condescending attitude. Joel just wants to reach people with the positive message of the GOOD NEWS!" The highlighted part is one of the truest statments every said on this whole site.
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Old 10-17-2007, 01:44 PM
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All he preaches is feel good sermons. When asked on national TV about issues he won't stand up and call sin sin. That is why I say that he has no backbone.

Also, there is only one truth and he don't preach it.
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Old 10-17-2007, 01:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Joseph Miller View Post
All he preaches is feel good sermons. When asked on national TV about issues he won't stand up and call sin sin. That is why I say that he has no backbone.

Also, there is only one truth and he don't preach it.
I understand where you are coming from.

One thing I did appreciate about Joel is when he was saying that we as Christians are beaten down so much that he preaches messages of hope. I'm sorry to say but there aren't as many hope messages in our religion as there should be. I have heard way too many sermons about how we should be doing this and that or that we shouldn't be doing this or that. It is sad to leave church depressed. I bet his congregation never leaves depressed from his message. They probably feel uplifted and encouraged.
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Old 10-17-2007, 01:56 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Joel Osteen

Originally Posted by Joseph Miller View Post
All he preaches is feel good sermons. When asked on national TV about issues he won't stand up and call sin sin. That is why I say that he has no backbone.

Also, there is only one truth and he don't preach it.
How many of his services have you ever been in? What you see on TV - (if you have a TV - hmmmmmmmm Interesting all these people that don't have TV and they watch Joel Osteen preaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
is just a small portion of his service and his message. All of it is edited to reach the wider audience to bring hope to the masses.

I gotta go - but before I do - JESUS is the Truth! Not your doctrine or one scripture - you guys OD on Acts 2:38 and think that is all inclusive of TRUTH! This is material Cults are made out of!
Remember - JESUS is The Truth - not your theology, ideology, baptismal formula, organization, denomination or anything else.

If it ain't JESUS - it ain't TRUTH!

Joel Osteen and his father John Osteen before him - preach Jesus Christ and they include the name of Jesus in water baptism.
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Old 10-17-2007, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
How many of his services have you ever been in? What you see on TV - (if you have a TV - hmmmmmmmm Interesting all these people that don't have TV and they watch Joel Osteen preaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is just a small portion of his service and his message. All of it is edited to reach the wider audience to bring hope to the masses.
I didn't know there was much hope to be had without the hope of salvation.

The plain ol' Gospel message is not good enough to be put before the masses and it won't reach them?
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Old 10-17-2007, 02:17 PM
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I saw a show on TV about how the baptist thing Joel is selling a watered down gospel of prosperity without any attempt at the expense of the Gospel...

that was from a Baptist perspective.
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Old 10-17-2007, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
How many of his services have you ever been in? What you see on TV - (if you have a TV - hmmmmmmmm Interesting all these people that don't have TV and they watch Joel Osteen preaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
is just a small portion of his service and his message. All of it is edited to reach the wider audience to bring hope to the masses.

I gotta go - but before I do - JESUS is the Truth! Not your doctrine or one scripture - you guys OD on Acts 2:38 and think that is all inclusive of TRUTH! This is material Cults are made out of!
Remember - JESUS is The Truth - not your theology, ideology, baptismal formula, organization, denomination or anything else.

If it ain't JESUS - it ain't TRUTH!

Joel Osteen and his father John Osteen before him - preach Jesus Christ and they include the name of Jesus in water baptism.

So your telling me that JO preaching that you must be baptized in Jesus name?
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Old 10-17-2007, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I saw a show on TV about how the baptist thing Joel is selling a watered down gospel of prosperity without any attempt at the expense of the Gospel...

that was from a Baptist perspective.
I believe you. I heard the president of the Southern Baptist Convention say something similar to this one service.
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Old 10-17-2007, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
Joel Osteen is doing an incredible job of bringing life, hope and help to millions.
Really? How do you know this?
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Old 10-17-2007, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by ReformedDave View Post
To hear the 'good news' of the gospel one must understand their 'badness' and helplessness with Christ first. The is the doctrine of sin and salvation. BTW, where does the Bible state that the Gospel is the ONLY thing to be preached? Seems like Christ and the apostle did otherwise.

It's interesting how you take 2 Cor: 3:6 out of context. Paul is in no way degrading the law or it's importance. In fact he states it because of our sin that the law kills us. It show us our need of a savior and for the saint it has much to do with practical sanctification.

I do agree that JO preaches nothing and what he has is a gospel without the punishment of the law and in fact it makes the gospel meaningless.
While I understand where you are coming from, I disagree somewhat. It is the good news of the Gospel that reveals the disparity of mankind. The preaching of Christ (Good News) is what brings an individual to the realization of their need for him. My assertion that doctrine is not to be preached comes from two things. First the absence of of any command to preach "doctrine" in scripture while their are repeated commands to preach the Gospel. Secondly at least 2/3 of the references to preaching in the NT either directly or indirectly have to do with the Gospel.

I also would challenge you to show me where the Apostle preached anything other than the Gospel. The epistles were letters of instruction (teaching) not sermons preached.

Overall I think you may have missed the whole point of my post which is balance. A church with no doctrine will be a worldly carnal church, and a church with only doctrine will be dry, dead, and legalistic.
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