Originally Posted by seekerman
Let's stipulate that the issue isn't being discussed. The issue is about it being pleasing to God when parents deny medical attention to children while they suffer and sometimes die?
Sure seekerman, of all the things out there to discuss, lets pick the one that affects the fewest people we can possibly find.
the subsect of a subsect of people who are hold overs to a time almost fogotten.
exactly how many of these guys do you know? cuz im 43 years old, am a 5th generation OP, know a LOT of preachers all over the country from a bunch of different orgs, and dont know a single preacher who preaches dont take your kids to the dr.
But it seems to be the thing stuck in your craw. you got your answer. the Elder knows a guy. The Elder didnt bash a bible thru the guys skull.
ergo, Elder Epley is according to you guilty of killing every kid that ever died in the whole history of mankind.
What next? you wanna string him up? want me to bring the rope?
i think you are just looking for a way and a reason to take shots at Brother Epley because you dont like him.